Fruits of the Forest Pie
Yeah....but TICKS
This is gorgeous. You should teach master classes on gaslighting.
Peak privilege power move: appropriate other/sub cultures, extract ideas for profit and exhaust them, reinvent self, claim now only to have ever been from simple, genuine folk who just came up with these “authentic” expressions themselves.
Wow. Have we ever delved this deeply into any other pre-Presidential love life and attempted to speculate the psychological motivations behind why he would make the choices he did? I don’t see this level of scrutiny for any of the Repub ex-Presidents, and not even really the Dems. Why is it anyone’s damn business why…
I enjoy the Pact bikini cut underwears from Whole Foods- they’re supersoft, some of them have cute low-key lace, others are plain and practical but flattering, and they all seem well-made because they’ve held their color AND shape after 1 year + of use. And like, no wedgies *whatsoever*, which is basically the…
I enjoy the Pact bikini cut underwears from Whole Foods- they’re supersoft, some of them have cute low-key lace,…
While the tattoos are heinous and overabundant, he sounds like an adorably misguided labradoodle. Would still smash.
I read a great comment once that when this person was a kid, she’d name one of her Oregon Trail characters “SOMEbody” so that their storyline would read “SOMEbody died of dysentery” or “SOMEbody drowned crossing the river”. Still makes me giggle.
Well I mean really, though, can’t a man have a biscuit??
O/T- I hate how nice their teeth are. So boring.
*snort* HMV
Hachi machi!!
Max Richter has been killing it (and me) for years
A wise man who always has words germane to all occasions:
I admit, I am giving him a wildly tremendous benefit of the doubt. Occam’s Razor would probably agree that he isn’t even remotely close to that self-aware.
Not a linguist but studied it and various dead and alive languages in school, and had a close family member with dementia. I think his speech patterns sound like a combo of senility on the verge of dementia, lots of amphetamines, and his deep-seated fear that his deep truth is being laid bare, and he knows he is a…
Exactly. They’re places where the monied classes can rub elbows and form friendships and cultivate networks and pair off, and then funnel them to elite colleges to do more of the same so they can keep all that nice money amongst themselves. When such places are built on foundations of exclusivity and enforcing…