He calls himself Dr Beckeld on his website, so I figured, oh, a medical doctor, wonder what specialty, and clicked his About Me.
He calls himself Dr Beckeld on his website, so I figured, oh, a medical doctor, wonder what specialty, and clicked his About Me.
My going philosophy from another man wise in the ways of wine
Open secret: the Trader Joe’s at Foxborough is one of the few in MA with a license to sell liquor. It is a godsend.
You’d think someone would eventually pick something up with that kind of immersion, but my dad (American white guy, now 81) married my mother (Colombian) almost 40 years ago, and despite numerous trips to SA and me speaking Spanish with my mother in the house growing up, he has absolutely no comprehension and his…
At last! A show that speaks to me!
You’re very correct, his die hard supporters don’t care about his honesty, never did, never will. He just represents people who (consciously or not) want to live at the basest level of society, in a tit for tat, bullying and blood feud culture. All they wanted to be able to do was laugh in the faces at the…
This is my favorite Bugs! You’re such an iiiiinteresting mahnstah!
It was for this, THIS, that I graduated with a BA in English
Or a sexy/gritty(?!) reboot of Misery?
Sci-fi BDSM psychological thriller/tearjerker starring Emma Thompson?
I was thinking of becoming a female electrician. I think I could make bank and be badass
Queen Biz though- she seems like a good time. I love her drinking habits, she is so mid-century I can’t even stand it: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-drink/features/how-to-drink-like-the-royal-family/
Similarly, the Norwegian WWII Resistance Museum in Oslo was far more interesting than I initially gave it credit for (and I would argue even more compelling than the Viking Ship Museum, practically heresy, I know) because of how very real, heroic, and heartbreaking the Norwegian Resistance was, and how strikingly…
You should get your mom to watch the Ken Burns’ Dust Bowl mini-documentary! Apart from the fact that it’s very good, I learned about and am now committed to spreading the word about the unsung source of John Steinbeck’s inspiration- private field notes by Farm Administration and employee Sanora Babb, an Oklahoma woman…
You were obviously looking for this, no?
You’ve hit the nail on the head. This is exactly the reason why I believe it did. not. matter. what candidate the dems put up, the poison of racism in this country runs wide and deep, and 45 did everything he could to stoke it.
I insist on calling him (with affection) Chanum Taters. That you describe him as a delightful human potato totally validates me. Thank you.
As one who has lived in the Artic Circle- The Darkness really does get to you.
Or wait for Big Trash Day* in your local fancy neighborhood and snag a free quality comfy loveseat** like we did so you can enjoy lounging on it with 98% confidence it’s clean and has no bedbugs and the added perk of mostly not getting upset when your asshole frat-boy cats immediately set to destroying it.