
Also... ;)

I know right? Too good not to use...this alone kinda makes me want to see the Han Solo movie now. (Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if they concoct some clever means of getting rid of the paint job, like accidentally flying it into a sandstorm, being partially digested by a space slug, or hauling a leaking acid shipment.)

Anyone else notice how much Witwer also looks like CW Anakin? Seems really intentional, but if so I always wonder why they chose his facial structure instead of Hayden’s. It just seems odd given that they didn’t use Witwer’s voice.

I am a huge fan and collector of the Black Series, but I can’t recall seeing a promo shot like this where I immediately want literally all of them. The inclusion of the Shadow Guard (lightsaber piiiike!) is just bonkers. I’m actually glad I still haven’t found the solo Royal Guard for a good price, because I’m totally

I wonder if “porg” is a word combo of “puffin” and “corgi”. Given my experience with corgis, it’d explain both their innate adorableness and annoying undertones. If Lucasfilm is gonna do this right, they’ll make them super cute but also irritating to the main characters. It’d be a nice nod to their oversaturation and

The thing that makes me want to both see and malign Ready Player One is how it seems to glorify a post-apocalyptic world. It kinda looks like it’s saying, “yeah, your world will inevitably collapse and go to shit, but don’t worry, you’ll have kickass VR!” I remember the book being more cautionary than the promo

I think I have a pretty kickass idea for a Kenobi standalone that maximizes the potential and minimizes the risks: make it a fugitive film, immediately following the events of Revenge of the Sith. I’ll explain why.

The Brown Note Avenger. Alternatively, Probiotica.

Those who wish death to Americans are traitors. Those who cause it are terrorists. Just don’t forget there are some good white people out there. When shit gets real, like generations before us, we will not hesitate a second to protect our fellow citizens against hate and fascism.

I’m just going to keep pointing out how stupid critiques of this stuff are while the world crashes and burns and species go extinct at an unprecedented rate. If you want to hate on this, fine, but remember you spent pointless words here instead of trying to save a biome. Oh, saucer section not structurally sound

It’s interesting to read the negative critiques on stuff like this. Here we are in the greatest extinction our species has ever known, trigged by us and virtually irreversible while hurtling to a nearly inevitable zero hour, and some nerds are complaining on the Internet about a totally fictional starship design. How

“We” could just as easily also refer to Blade Runners, just sayin. :)

Two words: standing waves. :)

Probably not. It looks like it’s well-designed to hide anything outside the park by keeping attendees at ground level, so they can’t see over the boundary. I’m digging those spires in both the painting and the grounds, though. They kinda look like remnants of a super giant, extinct tree species, or some weird lava

In the long internet tradition of wanting more, I was kinda hoping he’d follow up with reading some Trump tweets in Snoke’s voice.

It was really cool to see her not kill the nightwatcher and instead give it some “junk food” hehe...also interesting to see the whole creature. This was a nice little update to your typical Star Wars monster scene. But then, I’m one of those people that feels guilty for killing a spider. I was pleasantly surprised.

I used to have a ton of Rock Lords as a kid and somehow had no idea, until now, that they also appeared in cartoon form. We lived in the middle of nowhere when I was little but this is still blowing my mind right now!

I agree it seems odd that more away teams weren’t visibly physically armored, but there is a precedent for body armor’s use in the Starfleet Type A security uniform, seen in Star Trek III, IV and VI. It even goes a few steps further than the Discovery-era gear pictured above. However, you are correct (as far as my

Worth noting that Howard also directed Willow, Cocoon and a Beautiful Mind. He has some great films under his belt (also, apparently, a TV movie called “Time Crystal” from 1981, a good 3 decades before such a phenomena was discovered and confirmed - I blame time crystals).

This just looks straight up next-level space bonkers. Stoked!