
His hand is curled into a fist in that frame, so his fingernails are hidden under his palm.

I like their new name. Rolls off the tongue.

That is indeed the Falcon. The yellow padding can also be seen on the seats in the cockpit and holochess lounge area in Solo promo material. I’m willing to bet it also matches Lando’s shirt and the movie logo, because that would just be badass branding. ;)

Apparently we do actually get to see the Kessel Run exactly a month after this new star map is released, so in terms of chronological proximity, kinda?

To people pointing out the lack of familiar aliens in the new films, I agree overall, but go back and watch the first full Solo teaser and you’ll see some Twi’leks gettin down in the dance hall, which is Star Wars AF. It’s also rumored and pretty likely that we’re going to see a fluff-ton of wookies, and a certain

Scope out all of the hand-painted detail on this thing. It’s practically a film-quality studio scale model that you can play with. If they marketed it as a 49" prop replica, $500 would seem like a steal.

The thing about using a sledgehammer or any similar tool is the force multiplier provided by the handle acting as a lever, with the wood absorbing a lot of the blunt force. In this scenario, he’s eliminated that leverage and protective element. I love his channel but, damn, I winced while watching this one...

“Range” Trooper would suggest this guy’s made for mountaineering, so my guess is the mech boots basically allow him to jump up cliff faces, across canyons and such.

Something that Johnson didn’t mention is that the Raddus was the most technologically advanced capital ship ever built on Mon Cala, and was specifically equipped with an enormous amount of automation that allowed it to be fully piloted by only one person. And yep, that’s canon. This maneuver may very well not have

First off, please do not attack me for saying what I’m about to say. Everyone’s entitled to their own perspective, and I haven’t insulted anyone who liked it. Alternatively, I’ve already been insulted far too much for thinking differently, already. As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I was crushed and disappointed with The

I consider the upcoming B/SF-17 Star Fortress heavy bomber a quite worthy successor to the badass overpowered glory that is the B-Wing. They went big instead of going home, and let’s face it, if you get any bigger than a B-Wing, you get a straight heckin’ Star Fortress.

The A-Wing is my favorite Star Wars starfighter of all time. This stems from my love of the toys when I was a kid, whether it was 3.75" scale, Micromachine, etc. The A-Wing always held up. It was like the Toyota Corolla of the fighter world. I could crash it into stuff, chuck it off the top bunk, plunge it into a pit

Several of these questions can be potentially addressed by the great Black Out of 2022, where all digital records on Earth were erased in a giant EMP.  

If you watch the scene again, you’ll notice that the hives are adjacent to some specialized devices mounted on posts which the bees appear to be entering and leaving in similar frequency, likely some kind of food source.

Does anyone know how to stream the first episode tonight right when it airs if I don’t have an HD antenna or cable?

Very da Vinci inspired, I’d say.

If anything, he used the sign of the Devil to indicate what he thinks of her and Trump.

Not a conspiracy, but I think it’s piezoluminscence. I’m posting this all over this page because it seems like a pretty obvious possibility to those familiar with mineral properties:

My guess is that it’s piezoluminescence, a property whereby quartz crystals emit photons when stressed or impacted. You can test this at home by putting a few old pieces of quartz in a jar and shaking it up in a dark room: