If anything, he used the sign of the Devil to indicate what he thinks of her and Trump.
If anything, he used the sign of the Devil to indicate what he thinks of her and Trump.
Those who wish death to Americans are traitors. Those who cause it are terrorists. Just don’t forget there are some good white people out there. When shit gets real, like generations before us, we will not hesitate a second to protect our fellow citizens against hate and fascism.
Anyone notice that it looks like Trump is holding Melania’s purse in order to literally force her hand into holding his in that first photo? This combined w/the joyless scowls on their faces creeps me the fuck out.
If you listen carefully, the sound of falling snow (especially on ice) is rather reminiscent of tiny, plinking notes, like little frosty bells. Classic nature/nurture situation as applied to acoustics and seasonality. “The icicles...are musical!”- Bjork, or something
Thanks for the thought-provoking post. I think eugenics are a red herring in the population/evolution debate overall. Given the urgent state of our global climate, it would be far simpler, more effective and ethical to simply encourage all people to have fewer children, and focus on the quality of life of all people…