
Anyone notice that it looks like Trump is holding Melania’s purse in order to literally force her hand into holding his in that first photo? This combined w/the joyless scowls on their faces creeps me the fuck out.

Kylo’s ability to Force-interrogate Poe and later Rey in TFA, as well as freezing people and blaster bolts in place, while not totally unique, are all new Force skills in Star Wars canon. Vader could read emotions and momentary ideas, but not read minds fully, otherwise he would have known the location of the Death

Kylo’s ability to Force-interrogate Poe and later Rey in TFA, as well as freezing people and blaster bolts in place are all new Force skills in Star Wars canon. Vader could read emotions and momentary ideas, but not read minds fully, otherwise he would have known the location of the Death Star plans - Kylo is

At first I read that the light “appears on the top to indicate when Siri is enraged” and immediately became more concerned.

Leia’s (last?) costume is appropriately stunning, dark and badass...echoes of Vader but also funerary. We miss you Carrie. <3

Now playing

Thanks for the tip! The video in the article isn’t working for me, but I found a few mirror links if anyone needs them:

My gf and I were streaming it last night but immediately after 1 & 2 it said 3 & 4 were coming next week. How did I miss this? Geographical thing maybe? We’re in NYC.

Or, “Hey, it’s me!”

If you listen carefully, the sound of falling snow (especially on ice) is rather reminiscent of tiny, plinking notes, like little frosty bells. Classic nature/nurture situation as applied to acoustics and seasonality. “The icicles...are musical!”- Bjork, or something

It’s a bummer, but honestly I will boycott this film on principle and not watch it regardless of other redeeming qualities, due to the absurdly unaware rollout of a whitewashed main character. It’s insulting to manga fans and citizens of the world in the 21st century. I say this as a 33 year old, white, male

It’s a bummer, but honestly I will boycott this film on principle and not watch it regardless of other redeeming qualities, due to the absurdly unaware rollout of a whitewashed main character. It’s insulting to manga fans and citizens of the world in the 21st century. I say this as a 33 year old white male

Old Republic anything, please, and thank you!

I’m envisioning a bunch of galaxy-leading uber-tech that looks like garbage! 

Your fundamental position is akin to saying that log cabins are not architecture or that iOS apps do not require programming. Scale or application does not determine irrelevance. You are fiercely defending an absolutist position that is clearly absurd while simultaneously defending your superior intelligence,

Industrial designer here, and partner to a graphic designer. Just thought I’d point out that design hasn’t ever been the focal point of what makes Trek great (Star Wars is another story). If people had picked it apart on that merit alone from the beginning, it wouldn’t have gotten far. Trek is a subtler beast. I

I have zero complaints about the design of Discovery, and find it very respectfully reminiscent of McQuarrie’s ship designs. I’m perplexed by the number of digs it’s getting, short of how much time people have on their hands to complain on the internet. It’s not up to random users to change what’s already been decided

Thanks for the thought-provoking post. I think eugenics are a red herring in the population/evolution debate overall. Given the urgent state of our global climate, it would be far simpler, more effective and ethical to simply encourage all people to have fewer children, and focus on the quality of life of all people