
Monk is a show that I jumped in and out of, never did finish the whole series. Maybe if it ever gets back on Netflix. But I'm glad the writer mentions the phenomenal work of Shalhoub. He grounded the series with such humanity.

Because if you don't like the music that I like, your taste is "garbage".

Kinda agree that Kai and Bonnie are the mvp's so far this season and Enzo is being wasted. Also we need more Bonnie and Damon.

When MF hits on all cylinders, it's truly wonderful.

Seth McFarlane shouldn't be allowed to make films anymore.

This second episode is far superior to the first, and already I feel the characters are slowly being fleshed out more completely. Wong is very strong and I can't wait for more interaction with Joan Chen. She's really chewing into her dialogue. I also sense there will be better chemistry between Marco and the Prince

A very promising young actor, loved him on Merlin.

While I enjoyed the episode and cheer the show's return, the time jumps were problematic. Mainly the introduction of Watson's new boyfriend. Their first meeting was a throw away and overly cute, then jumps several months to them as a full on couple. Cmon really? Watson deserves better than this.
I really loved Gina

I love Padalecki too! He was absolutely genius in Mystery Spot, doing everything from dark brooding to high comedy.

enjoy :0

A fairly accurate summary of the peaks and troughs of the Winchester brothers. I will keep on watching as long as Jensen and Jared are interested, but I pray the show runners have an end point in mind that is meaningful. I also want to see Jensen's career expand into other roles, he's an incredibly talented and

True, but hardly anyone gets Prime for the streaming content. It's a side benefit of 2 day shipping. I had Prime but cancelled it after buying too much crap I don't need.

I think you're overstating Primes TV offerings. I'd take Netflix over Prime any day.

I'd definitely consider this for the months GoT is on, but not year round. Also, since none of the HBO shows are currently on Netflix, why would anyone drop it for HBO? Netflix predicted HBO's move a long time ago.

The last scene between Cole and Alison disturbed me incredibly. More than the fake suicide by Noah's son. These people are really f'ed up.

Season 2 is far better than 1, the best and most mature episode was the backpacking "scroggin". Debra Lawrance and Josh Thomas have great chemistry. The pairing of Josh and Geoffrey never made much sense in S1. Geoffrey was not damaged enough and Josh was far too unlikable and immature.

I hope they quit the voice overs soon, too reminiscent of My name is Oliver Queen….

A good season opener only marred by Kai and Opal's inexplicable pathetic defense of the town's supply from just one attacker. Why did Opal do nothing? They had just shown them fighting a whole team of looters easily. It also felt to me like Korra's memory was erased in the last scene.

Will miss TVD and SPN reviews. ;(

Bonkers Confusing! Can we have a Dean Winchester + Abbie purgatory spin off?