
I would love to see this, any clues as to how I can find this?

Did anyone at AV Club watch The Crown?

I'm a bit perplexed by how they wrote Allison. Yay for having an Asian lesbian character on TV, and I like the actress and actually found her character funny. But why the "asperger syndrome" like characteristics?

My god, if this can't get an A from AV Club, what can?

I didn't laugh once. Not what I was expecting.

I don't understand the motivations of Cersei anymore. She only really cared about her children, and with them all dead, and she the main trigger for the last one, I would have thought suicide would be her only logical conclusion. Perhaps she's now just psychotic and delusional.

I know I always turn to actors when I need major abdominal surgery. Yup.

Great synopsis. I was dreading that the show was going to die in a whimper, but the resurgence this year is real. I think alot of the credit should go to write Robbie Thompson who wrote the fantastic "Baby" and "Safe House" episodes.

This post seems aggressively mean spirited.

Daredevil S2!!

So in the Gotham police department, it's not OK to shoot someone as they are eating one of your partners?

Please take this opportunity to talk with your parents about their immigrant experience, or just their growing up experience in general. I wish I had talked with my dad a lot sooner than I did.

First episode this season is free on itunes.

Good episode. They found a way to make Josh the more functional one in a relationship!

I'm back watching the show, which has improved quite a bit from S1. But I still feel like it has the parts of a good show, not the complete deal yet.

Is '3D Darkness' a better name?

Actually, I find Imdb to be a pretty good guide for which episodes to watch and skip.

It's hard to believe the best episode this season omitted Eva Green. Billie Piper rocked her scene. I love how this series likes to play with our expectations and turn it upside down. From the very first episode with Victor and Proteus.

Sometimes the incompetence of the group is endearng and funny. Sometimes it's just aggravating and grating. I'm also finding the Chinese stereotyping and accent bordering on racist and not funny at all. Not a fan this week.

Caroline turning off her humanity is such a giant "F you"! To the memory of her mother. Although it's fun to watch Candace playing dirty, it cheapens the real emotional depths of the last few episodes.