
I'm giving this a few more episodes. The main leads are all good actors and the production design looks fantastic. I think a lot will ride on the chemistry between Mckenzie and Logue, so far so good.

This show doesn't match the best seasons of Supernatural, TVD, True Blood or Teen Wolf even, but given all those shows are also having quality issues in their current season, it ain't half bad. Plus I need my Skarsgard sibling fix.

The last season was a tedious boring slog, cut only be an entertaining Maggie Smith.

Watched the whole season, definitely worth the effort. A solid B from me, the last 4 are great!

Herb Kazzaz

The series got progressively better, and towards the end even moved me. I thank those who actually watched the entire season and encouraged others to watch more than 2-3 episodes. The Telescope was my favorite.

Finally caught up with this season of TB and wanted to echo Raisler's praise of the Hoyt sendoff. One of the series' most affecting and touching moments

Finally caught up with this season of TB and wanted to echo Raisler's praise of the Hoyt sendoff. One of the series' most affecting and touching moments

One of the reasons I think this season has been so successful is the lack of romantic diversions. Almost always a momentum killer.

I can't help but think of that scene from Dead Poet's Society when Robert Sean Leonard goes to see Robin WIlliams because he felt trapped and hopeless. He will be missed.

What a great series finale! Directed by Jonathan Demme no less. So many memorable shots, like the final sequence in the interrogation room separating Holder and Linden. Sure the romantic aspect of their friendship wasn't hinted at much, but I don't care. That ending just warmed my heart, they both deserve some

I find it hard to believe those HBO numbers. Netflix seems much more ubiquitous in my area.

Can't argue with this list, especially enjoyed Looking, Enlisted and Penny Dreadful.

Farrell is a decent actor but Kitsch? He was by far the worst actor in Normal Heart.

I can heartily recommend Almighty Johnsons, has just the right amount of camp, comedy and heart. The only recognizable cast member to Americans is a much more grown up Keisha Castle-Hughes from Whale Rider.

I will check it out just for Corey Stoll.

When will Patrick Stewart make a guest appearance?

Thanks for confirming my decision to stop watching this show, last half season was a mess.

Now I know what Firefly and Terriers fans felt like. Damn you Fox. But kudos to the talented writers and cast! I'm still going to recommend this show to everyone.

I'd love to see the audition reels for Vanessa. Can't even think of another actress living up to Eva Green's performance. Maybe Cate Blanchett? It's that good.