
I love Supernatural but I do hope 10 is the final season. The writing post S5 has been erratic at best ( some wonderful, too much lackluster) and the series needs a well planned, thought out finale. Plus Jensen Ackles just needs to do other projects to fully realize his abundant talents.

Netflix saves another series! This is starting to be a pattern with Killing and Arrested Development. Can we send them requests?

Is the secret lesbian lover theme hot right now? I just saw this used in 2 shows back to back, this and the latest Arrow.

In s6e1 Exile on Main Street, Dean was pretty adamant that he tried everything to get Sam back (scene when he found out Bobby also knew Sam was out of the cage for a year).

Jensen Ackles should have an amazing career after SPN. He really deserves it.

"Clear lack of quality"?
They had two shows on AFI list top 10! HOC and OITNB

It does seem to be a new dynamic, and possibly one that really doesn't show Sam in a sympathetic way. No matter how justified or logical his feelings are.

Even though Dean tried to live a normal life after Sam's wishes in Season 6, he still tried to get Sam back. He never just let him go. But I agree that for all the show's emphasis on Dean needing Sam to be around, Dean is the one that can really connect intimately with other characters like Bobby, Castiel, Garth etc

A fish taco? Lol
As for the ending conversation between the boys, at least they kept Sam consistent from last season. He's no longer willing to sacrifice everything to save Dean (when he didn't bother to look for Dean when he was in Purgatory). This sure isn't the "Mystery Spot" Sam anymore.

Not much to add to the conversation but wondering wasn't the actor playing pastor Jim also in season 1 Scarecrow? He looks awfully familiar.

I came to this review hoping to make some sense of what the hell is supposed to be going on, but I see Phil is just as confused. I think I will forget there is even a plot and just watch the pretty naked people.

Calling Cumberbatch a "capable" actor is on the level of Sherlock condescension. Congratulations.

I could watch Dean, Castiel and Crowley road tripping all day! Sam on the other hand is the show's weakest link this season. His constant whining about being ready to die is just lame, especially considering last season and his refusal to even look for Dean while he was in Purgatory. Dean will always fight for Sam,

Wow, this episode made me realize:
1) how much better Supernatural is at making demons scary, with less effects
2) Orlando Jones is just a bad actor, or they totally screwed up his scenes in the editing. Seriously, they were laughably bad.

I enjoyed the episode and definitely some of the grey ethical dilemmas of organ black market. The scariest scene may be the first, with hologram health care providers. Quick, let's open up more med schools STAT!


Totally agree. I usually tell newbies to at least watch up to this episode and you'll likely be hooked in.

Oliver's Choice. Stephen Amell is a likable enough actor, but man, they give him such devastatingly emotional material and he can only muster up about 2 facial expressions.

The Supernatural world could use some funny angels. Ahh poor much guilt one guy take?

I wonder if the reviewer is aware that a woman (Jenny Klein) wrote this episode. I do miss Sera Gamble's writing, she really elevated the show in many ways.