
I was looking for a flight 370 reference - not disappointed. Well done!

Personally, I found his tribute to Flight 370 incredibly touching.

It’s incredible to think that from ‘05-’07, Curt Schilling may not have been the biggest shithead in his own clubhouse.

I know this is sacriligious here, but I rooted for Jim Tomsula because he worked his ass off and took shit for years only to be put in the worst possible position. He’s the anti-Lane Kiffin and I respect all of those shitty odd jobs he had to work.

As a Royals fan, you have no reference because your first game was less than 2 years ago.

“a matter of conscience”

...the company had recklessly put tens of individuals in danger...

honestly becoming a billionaire on the back of absolutely nothing and stealing money from Silicon Valley dumb dumbs is sort of my dream so YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE LIZZIE HOLMES

It's a fabrication about majors. It was a pun, dummy.

More like former coach.

And don’t forget his four, yes FOUR, World Series rings. Guy’s had the most fortunate career in baseball history that nobody talks about. It is worth noting though that he’s also a super nice guy (based on personal experience many years ago and other reports I’ve heard), so I guess it's fair.

and 28 million in career earnings

Lopez has 789 major league games to his credit, totalling only 514 IP.

In fairness, there DO seem to be plenty of folks who wait in the long line and then, when it's finally their turn, take freaking forever to get their shit through because they have pockets full of change, jewelry all over, a jacket, a belt, tall laced boots that are double-knotted and three bags (each with a laptop).

he is appealing.

Goodell: [shakes Tunsil’s hand] Pretty exciting night for you so far, huh?

I’m Taiwanese and when I try to translate his question in my head, it still sounds unprofessional and insensitive. He was obviously trying to go in some sort of superstition angle. That kind of shit flies if you’re talking ball with your buddies, but not when you’re in a professional setting. Language barrier is a

I like how the windsheild wipers were still going in that last shot of it completely submerged.

I just X-rayed my game-used A-Rod bat. Are there any X-ray technicians out there who can help me analyze this?