
“One of these things is not like the other, one things just doesn’t belong.....”

Its not a coincidence that 5 of those flags are stark black, white, and red while 1 is a friendly rainbow. Hate groups don’t want to be your friend. They hate you. They want you to fear them so their flag is meant to be as intimidating and


Your marriage vow, if its the sacramental type, is considered a three party covenant with you, your spouse and God. The sin is breaking the oath you made to God personally. If you haven’t made a formal promise to God you aren’t committing a sin.

Incidentally, Wilson is already a divorcee.

I don’t have a problem with anybody wanting to handle their sexual business in any way so as everything is consensual.

I find Russell Wilson’s proclamation funny because I honestly don’t find it remotely believable. Just like I don’t believe that God spoke to him at the Super Bowl. Experience has shown that such

Take a salary settlement and get the hell out of way.

Naturally Batman and Superman are in tough guy pose and Wonder Woman is strutting on the catwalk.

The problem with the Terminator series is that its a time travel movie about stopping a nuclear apocalypse but the only way you get to keep making time travel movies is if the apocalypse happens happens anyway.

Meanwhile the consumer and special effects technology of our own world upgrades so rapidly that what seemed

When my wife is feeling saucy in bed.

I’m really tired of the Batsuit-as-armor trope. Honestly how is a human being supposed to move around, let alone be able to vanish in all that stuff. It looks really uncomfortable.

Its probably the only thing I like about the new Batman v Superman stills, is that it looks like the Batsuit is a suit and not articulated

That’s terrific! I love it.

I heard a lot of that sentiment from Philly fans last night even on Chicago radio. Everyone is really happy for Kimmo, especially after playing a terrific game like that. Terrific sentiment from Flyers fans, everyone should be proud of those good vibes.

Hmmm, within two weeks of a series of massive arrests against FIFA officials, the US magically wins two games against major European teams.

Nope, can’t go through with it. Soon as I saw that Braniac was a kid couldn’t take it.

It seemed to me as though in the first period the Lightning gave the Blackhawks their very best punch and were only able to muster a one-nil lead. The full Chicago counter attack was not far behind. Tampa did an excellent job, especially their netminder, of not letting them score until the 3rd period but they seemed

Come on, just have Miles as the guy taking up Peter’s slack so he can be more of a family man. Call it Spidey and Spidey Inc. If you throw in Spider Gwen you can have my bank account right now.

Not a bad analogy. Two coach-team combinations that had great regular season success but couldn’t quite win the big one. I imagine the Niners players would have felt differently about Harbaugh had they’d had to deal with him over an 82 game schedule and 7 game series in the playoffs. Of course, Hoiberg is actually a

Another problem at the root here is that when consent does not figure into the conversation of morality is that consent does not get taught. Therefore those who grow up under that system have little concept of consent and thus cannot tell what is a non-consensual act. There is a real ignorance of even the idea. It is

Amaro was then informed that he was managed a team in Philadelphia. To which he responded, “ Oh OK.”

And that bozo probably does not know how to plow a field with a horse drawn plow, or kill a wild boar with a spear, or hunt rabbits with a falcon. Every generation some schmuck who was told by his elders how he’d lost his sense of masculine identity starts telling the new generation the same thing.

Its a culture that depends on either the threat or application of violence both physical and emotional. The good news is that shine enough daylight on that it burns like an exposed vampire.

My God that’s a terrible story. Its so awful that apparently this was nothing new for Jay-cub and little was probably done to stop it.

Purity balls might be the single creepiest thing I have ever heard of. These jokers have chose the most skin crawling parts of the Old Testament and embraced them.