
Sorry Putin, but so long as Canadian, Swedish, and American players keep going to the NHL the KHL is just going to be your nationalist developmental/retirement league.

Also if your pride depends on going toe to toe with Canada, you might want to rethink your life a little bit.

They all have the creepy dead eyed look of brainwashed cult members.

Unrelated to the present article but we need to see a new book and/or film series about Neville wandering the Earth like Cane in Kung Fu getting into Indiana Jones type adventures. Call it “The Other Chosen One” and start counting the money.

Really this is nothing about preserving the right to practice one’s religion but preserving the fantasy that gay marriage is not an accepted part of the American Mos Maiores in the 21st century.

The right to refuse to offer equal service to LGBT persons is not about a Christian living a Christian life, but about a

Exactly. It was a dumb baseball decision that was bailed out by sheer luck.

Of course Eaton was dead to rights had the catcher held on to the ball.

Fair argument Raven. Nothing wrong with saying you prefer someone else and willing to propose a fair replacement.

Actually the pyramids not built by slaves. Public works project during the time of the year the Nile floods. Everybody was paid.

Why is she not playing Assage Ventress?? I demand a Sith Lupita!

In all honesty touring the modern aspect of Israeli life has been going on since founding of the state. In the 50’s and 60’s people, especially American Jews, were encouraged to visit Kibbutz in Israel. These socialist inspired communes were supposed to instill a sense of Israel vigor and self sufficiency.

Really this

Frank Dillane (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) co-stars as Nancy’s son, Nick, who has battled a drug problem.”

Looking right at you Cardinals fans.

As a Hawks fan I was glad when the Wild beat the Blues. After the Nashville series the Hawks looked vulnerable and I figured I would rather choose an honorable demise at the hands of team like Minnesota, tough but fair, over the punk in St. Louis, a team that plays dirty even though they have the talent not to.

If they win it this year they are officially the new Red Wings. That Bowman family is really something. It will really be something in another 6-7 years when old men Toews and Kane are go for one more cup.

Like Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Temple Mount, she got exactly what she wanted.

Like the Dread Pirate Roberts!

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss,

Excellent breath mint of a story.

Just curious but who are your favorite MLB players now and who are your all time favorites?

“Football ain’t about rape! Its about violently dominating other people! They say no you just gotta take it!”

At this point my brain said, “Oh......yeah that seems about right.”