That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?
That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?
Tiki cat food is basically human food, labelled for cats. She'll be fine as long as she doesn't eat that disgusting crap from the packet!
He's almost as big of an attention hog as that hoaxer Stephen King!
Or he could actually believe it. It's a creepy story. I enjoyed it.
exactly, all these people going "ohh its fake, ohh its not scary" fucking suspend your disbelief for a fucking second and just enjoy the scary story. it's okay to be scared by stupid shit like this. it got my stomach in a bit of a knot and I most definitely just side-eyed my Facebook for a couple minutes.
Nope. Sorry, they were terrible.
It's a choice.. and it isn't. You can think it's going to be a wonderful, life-changing, love-filled experience, and then— you have your baby and realize you're not good at this at all. You realize you're not as generous as you thought you would be. The fun moments are very rare sprinklings amidst a seemingly…
"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"
We Need To Talk About Kelvin.
One of my first thoughts upon reading the article was, 'She should stay away from Faulkner'.
This is part and parcel of the Southern Gothic genre. Did Winter's Bone do much to elevate anyone's general impression of Appalachian folk?
They want to legislate other people's behavior. With real cigarettes they could push the health consequences to non-smokers and pretend it wasn't about regulating behavior. With ecigs they can't really pretend they are doing anything but trying to force people to behave as they want to.
I think my favorite story of 'But I was hit...' was after an AA meeting when some of us were talking, and the subject misguidedly came around to corporal punishment, and this man goes "My parents hit me and I turned out fine...". And everyone around him is agreeing, and I just said "Are you forgetting the fact that…
As right as you are, and you really, really are, I like that her response was so gracious. Girl knows how to take a knock.
Actually, let's do bother with those other OED definitions, especially the following:
From the perspective of someone who has not struggled with addiction (but loves people who have), your stories are also really helpful to the non-addicts out there. I don't know what it's like, and I can never say, "I understand what you're going through." But what I can do is listen to what addicts share about their…
I want to like this essay, but I don't. In fact, I hate it.
For some reason, PSH's death made me think about what addiction feels like, if that even makes sense. Is it pain? Is it a constant, gnawing ache deep in your soul? What does a person with an addiction feel that makes them shoot up, snort, smoke, drink their drug of choice? For some reason, I just keep thinking it…
Jezebel is NOT a feminist publication.
I dunno. I feel Trace shouldn't beat himself up about it.