and USA faces Colombia now.
and USA faces Colombia now.
So, how long is the waiting list for a Seattle Sounders season ticket btw?
lol don’t get mad
I’ve now grown bored of hearing about the Seattle Sounders, which, while popular in their way, are absurd to compare to pretty much any team in the Premier League as well as a number of Championship clubs.
no, you’re wrong, Seattle fills the whole NFL stadium a few times a year for special events. Tottenham is building a 56k capacity stadium and when that stadium opens the average attendance will easily surpass that of Seattle
of course, the comparison is not to another MLS club, but to the sixth most popular club in the Premier League.
lol, Nooooo they only even open the stadium to full capacity a few times a year.
yes, if white hart lane had a larger capacity than Century Link Spurs would have a larger average attendance. in several years this will actually be the case.
bc they play in a bigger stadium
what a complete spineless worm this so-called man is. my dad owns the Eagles and I wear a Cowboys Tshirt 24/7 because I know how to be my own man.
Still looking for “a black person walks down the street”
lol more like Tom Leyme
[wishful thinking fan voice] My guess is that this Sansa is really a fake. It’s the only way this plot can get straightened out without discarding important parts of the original plot. Switching out a fake Arya for a fake Sansa wouldn’t really be a huge change.
Caleb Joseph “signing autographs” and waving to invisible fans
Officer B is speaking for a very small minority of police officers she. He says it's their city too. Like 80% or more of the force lives outside the city, and many in Pennsylvania.
Soderberg’ account in the City Paper that the other guy posted is a pretty fair account of what happened Saturday…
Don’t forget this one. Word is the drunks were calling the protesters “apes, niggers, coons”
You're a pussy and an idiot. You'd have to travel a mile or more to finds genuinely rough neighborhood near that stadium.
This is just the latest in a series of histrionic overreactions on the part of the Baltimore police department, and, ultimately, Baltimore’s political leadership. At no point was the situation downtown near the stadium out of control to the point that this was warranted.
You’re absolutely right, that was the finest goal of the bunch by a country mile.