
Ideology makes one stupid. Always.
When you rightly say, that these people ignore character development etc., you are actually pointing to another aspect of ideology - that it ignores and distorts life, its true complexity, trying to fit it into its simplistic and abstract cliches. And when real life does not fit into

Haha, yes - the issue deserves a Brick podcast. Too funny.

Brick - the future Finch, This one was perfect, Tommy.

Indeed, this was a full-blown "mob" episode. As it should have been. And thus also being respectful for the death of the character, and for the drama unfolding. Sometimes some of us reviewers or fans can behave like children who want cake, and icecream, and M&Ms, and chocolate - but then also get angry if their

Yes, nice to "accompany" a person that's leaving (dear departed) with what, for all intents and purposes, is a full filmic eulogy. It's a habit of the show, which understands that true storytelling is about character(s), not action. We care about the action, if and when we care about the character(s).

Very true. It is from the leisure of a keyboard that a reviewer decides to, "eh, not good enough". All nonsense. It was tremendous TV. And that last shot of Elias walking down the boardwalk, well…

nice parallels

Smashing episode. It is, of course, an A. The grading on this website is nonsense.

What, Shaw?… but do not be fooled. As I have been saying, it is Riley/Reese's time, the hero complex / we all die in the end - saving his friend(s), his cover blown, in the middle of a double clash, Brotherhood vs Alias, Samaritan vs Machine, intersecting - and Reese dies defending his own, caught up in both conflicts.

All the arrows point at Reese, this time. He's been front and center, and has been set up as the mirror image of the new evil, Brotherhood - and they have been emphasizing his hero complex (saving vs sacrifice) - and reiterating that he is walking too fine and dangerous a line (Finch).

They mentioned it a few times, and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to find the links - i think I saw them in some of the video interviews? I am not taking it as a decisive / decided plan, but this is the direction - I think he (Jonah) said that, from the beginning, when they were thinking out the whole Machine story and

vrlo dobro

A few thoughts:

Given that the show is supposed to have 6 seasons, and by the end all of them will probably die, as Nolan repeatedly mentioned (as a natural ending) - and, remember, as Root said, "it is only getting darker" - given all this, you have to pace this process; so mid-season 4 is a normal moment, to do so - all of them die

(Your… therapist, you say?)

Yes, that's it - start at mid-Season 1, and enjoy the procedural steps, which are almost never just, and fewer and far between, shockingly, as time goes on (the courage to simply skip the procedural) - but enjoy them for the sheer fun. Sometimes I want an action movie, a comedy, and sometimes Krzystof Kieszlowski

The Death of Mr Reese

Of course. But the signs point that way.

Kumagoro: yes.

What a nice The Wire vibe to this episode.