
The Subway Station is several classes above the indistinct library HQ, especially the Art Deco motifs and the overall steampunk vibe.

No, but now he has a lair in an abandoned subway station,

"Your government is on trial?" Perhaps.

Agree. Used to not like the case of the week episodes, but now I enjoy them much simply for what they are: much fun. You know, interspersed between mythology ones. You know, the show is still called POI, so … it should be about POIs. Isn't that the original - and still the - mission?

Also, the Ghost's voice was prob the best I've heard, as far as phone-criminals go. Never a caricature of a villain..Just matter of fact, even with a restrained smile. Which makes it even more terrifying, because you take it seriously.

Man, isn't POI just… fun! Sorry, but this was absolutely enjoyable,. I've been looking for some escapism, much needed relaxation - and I got it. Sorry, people, but this is heads and shoulders above most else that is on TV. Fun, fun, fun. Thanks, POI.

PoI - still one tiny step ahead of the news. The Machine - the cameras version. "It's like a time machine for the police" - says the report. "The cops can start from the moment of the crime, and go back in time to the point of origin".

Ma che peccato! Io credo che Giacomo il Caviezel ama Roma.

An excellent line! Puritans, take thou this!

I dunno, man - isn't POI just, tremendous, fun?

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.

It's Rüdiger. And Saul Rubinek was simply exquisite. There is an Emmy for episodic role, isn't there? And this episode, unexpectedly (for me), was simply superb.