Etienne Charles

Wow, this was a depressing read.

So porn is fine but sexy ladies caressing themselves in a commercial isn't?

There is no need to cherry pick parts of the bible. A lot of the Quran has similar themes. Judaism, Islam and Christianity have very similar holy books in regards to values.

I will give that a go. I feel like maybe I am allergic to all the perfume they put in them.

I don't think I have found a tampon that doesn't make me feel dry and irritated down there.

I don't think hoda considers herself black but middle eastern/Arabic.

I eat like 20 chocolate whips a week. No lie.

I like yoplait chocolate whips! So good!

She also only stayed for a night. I had 3 days of medical care post partum. C sections and premature births also drive up that US average.

You might not have that option. My hospital only did medically necessary c sections. Also, your insurance probably wouldn't cover a non medically necessary c section.

He has legal right to the gun but no one has stated he will will actually collect his guns from the authorities. The guys life is ruined. Just because he isn't in jail irrelevant mean he Is free. he is unemployable. He will probably go live in his families basement in hiding. He also looks like he is heavily sedated

I haven't seen a take back the night since college and I live in the dc area... before that I lived in Boston, Florida, California and new jersey. I think you are overstating its influence. Outside of cities and colleges, it isn't prevalent.

Yes! The whole defining your life by your occupation is pretty sad.

Being a mom is harder than being a father? What a loaded statement. I agree that the prenatal/ perinatal and postnatal periods are harder for moms. But after that,it is totally up in the air and situation. I know a lot of loving and amazing fathers, including my own husband, who genuinely coparent.

Looks delicious. Last night I made a vanilla cake with Half a pound of fresh strawberries. With cool whip frosting. We devoured the entire cake so we might have to wait a bit for making more cake.

I don't know. They could have been in an abusive, volatile relationship were they both retaliated at each other physically. I don't doubt Saatchi was abusive. But that doesn't mean Lawson isn't either.

I feel like the author is really just talking about people who grew up solidly middle class and live in more urban/city areas, which really is the minority in America. I am sure the birth rate has lowered for blue collared workers and lower middle class class too but people in many demographics are still having

a lot of men struggle with severe pornography addiction. i think it is a bit naive to have a super pro pornography attitude to the point that it shames men who are struggling with porn or sex addiction. if a million men want to not watch porn and feel better about themselves doing that then more power to them.

i am in a pretty traditional marriage and I love it. i stay at home for now and my husband works. he is my best friend and we are a solid team in life. all of our family decisions are joint ones. it works because we both respect one another and are both willing to compromise. we sacrifice for each other and for our

I'd imagine they might be if the woman goes to the hospital for a rape kit because they often give you the morning after pill. BUT, most women do not report so you know, it only takes one time to get pregnant.