Etienne Charles

how is ainston's dress remotely fitting tighter? It looks like the dress fits identically in both pics.

I feel pretty bad for Kim K. Kanye seems so involved with himself and neglectful. He really seems like he is going to be a horrible father.

Depends on the beach. I agree that a not nice beach isn't fun to go to. Like the closest beach to me is Ocean City, MD and I find that place to be disgusting. I love beaches in New England or Southern Florida.

So, I am almost 37 weeks pregnant and I am going crazy. I feel like I cannot go out and my husband and I have spent the last 3 months doing home projects and we are pretty much completed with the house. I cannot really be in a car for longer than 30 minutes and doing any sort of activity like going to concerts or

I have not worked for my entire pregnancy and it hasn't been that bad. I found out I was pregnant right after I left an internship and got my master's. I would not have qualified for FMLA for any job I got due to not working for a full year prior, only state short term disability. So, my husband and I decided I just

I don't think you should be going into any guy's home that you are dating (LTR is different) until you get on a treatment plan with a therapist. It sounds like you aren't aware of signals that these guys are giving off due to your past trauma. And while it isn't your fault, you def. don't want to put yourself in a

Ageism is a real thing for both men and women in almost all industries. A lot of people in this recession got laid off near retirement and could not land another job due to ageism. And there retirement plans are shattered. I don't get the wahambulance bit. Just because he is white doesn't mean he cannot get

To be fair, most feminist/social media linked blogs have mostly 20/30s white women as writers. Like here for example.

I thought this was a nod to the melting bowl concept in the 80s/90's that was pretty popular.

It isn't though. Places like college campuses and the military have created enviornments where excessive binge drinking happens to negative results. As a rape victim myself, I wish I hadn't felt the pressure to drink at every social function in college. You can be black and white and say it is on all men not to rape.

Yeah but it is a two part problem. Men who are rapists and risky drinking culture. Risky drinking culture makes you more likely to be a target of a rapist. It isn't enough to say.. hey men don't rape. It is also society pushing young women to drink to excess.

I think American culture would be better off if we were a bit more temperant. I am a military wife and I see a lot of DUIs, broken marriages, and health issues due to excessive alcohol consumption.Sexual assault cases go hand in hand with excessive alcohol use. Of course it isn't the fault of anyone if they are

I was actually impressed with this episode. There was this one guy really pressuring Des and trying to take her into the fantasy suite and she said she was uncomfortable to the guy. But the guy would not relent. And she said no I don't want to go down a dark hallway with you, please leave. I think she handled herself

I feel that way about q-tips and ear wax.

I really don't think the answer to equality is for white men to be complacent. Or for them to step aside because they fucked everything up. This is the type of angry, nonsensical feminism that I don't like to be connected to. How about the desire for women, poc, those with disabilities, low-income persons etc to have

Intelligence isn't something that a person has any control over. Maybe Jenner isn't intelligent. But that doesn't make her worth any less as a human being. People equating self-worth with intellect really bothers me. People who are less intelligent are still worthwhile.

I wonder how often the single girls are going out with the friend with a baby. I assume they can go out every night and the woman with the baby goes out with them maybe once a week? If she is always with them every night, I can see the complaint. But if they are only getting together weekly or biweekly, I think the

My husband was saving money to go on a virgin space flight. Like he had a legitimate savings account for it in his mid-twenties and planned for it. Until he decided he could do a lot more with the money than go into space. I thought it was the cutest thing I had ever heard when he told me. It was things like that make

Bras are pretty expensive with very little shelf life. Some bras of mine that I have spent at least 30 for have really crapped out pretty quickly. I know my good friend washes her bras with a delicates wash by hand and has luck. But the lazy way out for me is to just wash less.

None of the Gaps around here (DC area) do. And they only carry maternity at like two stores out of 15 in the area. I think some Gaps concentrate on the profitable underwear and workout line and less on special sizes. The stores around here tend to be much smaller. Maybe it is a regional thing?