Etienne Charles

I think Target is a bit different than a retail mall store like Gap. They normally have a lot more square footage and some Targets are huge like the ones with groceries. I agree they could offer more special sizes with probably little hardship. I know target online has tons of maternity and plus but when you go into

Brick and mortar retail stores cannot handle plus size overhead in addition to womens, petities, kids, mens, young adult.... That is a lot of product for back of the house retail and for typical retail floorspace. Special sizes like maternity, petites, tall and plus get sent to online or are only at certain retail

Good for him. He did more for those girls than most people would have. Most people would have walked away and said hey this isn't my problem.

Can we stop with the Gwenytth and Amanda Bynes coverage. It is getting pretty meanspirited.

It was probably a food storage issue. It might have sat out too long when they were stocking it at the grocery store or it was transported to the grocery store at not the right temp. I'd say give it another try!

Wow. What a gracious post by the Sikh woman. It is really nice to see a young woman have that level of inner confidence.

This author is starting to get pretty nasty about breastfeeding. I understand it didn't work for her and that's great that she formula fed. I understand why a lot of moms formula feed for a variety of reasons. But with help, a lot of moms have successful breastfed since the dawn of time. Or at the least had a neutral

I like Honey Boo Boo but she is just a 7 or 8 year old girl. However, she shouldn't feel like she has to be a role model or stand up for any political cause. And I really think at her young age she is just reflecting what her mother vocalizes. Her mom, however, seems to be super solid and a good mother and I am happy

Eh, family members are hard. There is so much history in most relationships that the person might not take it as constructive criticism on changing a habit. I think unless you have a super great relationship with your sister that you know saying something would be helpful than I wouldn't. I'd leave it up for her

I don't think it is on you to correct another adult's behavior. And I think coming from a family member, it won't be appreciated. Wait till they are in the workforce and use that word and offend a parent of a downs child. Or are told they are inappropriate by a boss.

I think it is more likely that a lot of the men on there don't really want a relationship but instead want attention. They use Bachelor/Bachelorette for attention and the perks.

That isn't exactly true. In order for it to be a mortal sin, the person has to be fully aware of their actions. If you aren't, it isn't a mortal sin. Who knows the state of mind of this man when he did kill himself.

How sad he felt he had to end his life. What a horrible way to go.

My biggest issue with sloppy apperances s is that often at most business professional workplaces the men will wear suitpants with a button-down but how women dress is wildly different. Some dress professional. But many come in very casual or inappropriate. I know it is easier to dress as a man as they have less

My husband is saying they were called off around tornado warnings around so many mile radius around the school. He went to school is super-rural northeastern OK. There was a big tornado in 91 or 92 that effected a lot of kids' homes.. and they shortened the school year early by 2-3 weeks. It could be because it was a

I am so sorry to hear about your family and glad they are safe. I know there is no way to know whether those kids would have been better off at home or at school. I guess as a parent I'd rather be there with my child in an emergency situation than have my child drown in a school basement, even if in both situations

Yeah, I was confused because I woke up and saw the news that 2 died in Shawnee and then this happened this afternoon. It seems there is just one horrible world event after another lately. I cannot even imagine what the parents of those kids are going through.

I am only going off what my in-laws told me.

I understand.. but I am pretty familiar with northeastern and northwestern oklahoma. My husband actually had his childhood ranch burn down after a tornado hit the area. Luckily, no one died but the destruction was pretty massive. My husband's family in Tulsa were pretty much taking shelter in place for the past 24

My in-laws live in Tulsa and they had a tornado warning active last night. I am pretty sure it was also in the OKC area. I don't understand why given the tornado history of the past 24 hours that they would have the kids go to school today.