Etienne Charles

I hope you can help. I am a married woman in my thirties in an incredibly happy marriage. Sex is infrequent though. First off, I was sexually assaulted in my 20s and even though I got therapy I still distance myself mentally during sex. I want to get wild and down and dirty. My husband is open and accepting. I just

Shoot. I wish it was legitimate beer!

I saw reports that Taco Bell is working on a biscuit taco... That with a hashbrown sounds like heaven.

it feels like an Arby's night tonight

um, you forgot the curly fries.

This is a fair point. I honestly don't think that officers should get the tax payer subsidized childcare. It should only be for E1-E5, maybe E-6. Lower enlisted are often working the equiviliant to 1.5 to 2 full time jobs if you include deployments. My husband worked 12 hours, 7 days a week state side for the height

Most lower enlisted are now older coming in then 10-20 years ago. Many now have partial college done. And now often are coming in with bachelor's degrees. My husband has his bachelors and enlisted at 25. A lot he sees are recent college graduates or those with 1-2 years of college left.

I agree and disagree on the last point. Yes, it is a lot of money in some regard. When I was enlisted myself, I saved every dollar I earned and left the military with enough money to put myself through graduate school so I didn't have to work while going to school. But I think the military culture and lifestyle make

This is true but it doesn't cover all the other higher expenses in high cost of living areas like food costs, transportation, daycare, etc. And BAH is an imperfect calculation. To rent a 2 bedroom house in the area we live in would be wayyy more than what we bring in for a BAH. Our option is to either live on base or

I know :( I did a lot of volunteering at a thrift store on base that gave free food and items for military families that were lower enlisted. The sad thing is that most of the families would blow their entire pay the first few days and then be struggling the rest. Everyone on base needs financial help even the

I don't know why you are coming on here to write a quite mean comment under a burner. Yes, we save a lot of money a month. We also budget every fucking dollar coming in and out, buy everything a thrift stores, coupon, make our own everything, eat out only 1-2x a month, and make huge crockpot meals, cloth diaper, etc.

It is predatory... There are tons of groups (like car dealerships) that try to pounce on military and their family members and the bad decision making they do due to stress.

A big issue is that your service pay does not have a cost of living adjustment like federal service jobs. My husband is active duty and we live in a very high cost of living area. It can get pretty difficult. If we lived in Arkansas, we wouldn't have a problem.

It is damned if you do, damned if you don't. I have worked in retail and once I had the swine flu. I'd get admonished for calling in sick. Yet, when I came in ill, I was yelled at for coming in sick. I feel like all jobs should give at the minimum one work week of sick time to use at the discretion of the employee.

I saw chicken and waffle chips at 7-11 today so I think it is still in production as of now.


The food coloring must be laced with crack.

I can't even start with Doritos or I will go down a crumby, cheesy finger spiral of self hate and over indulgence.

I agree but I also think of Noodles and Company as a nice restaurant. So... yeah.

Does Noodles and Company count as fast food?