
A good post overall, but a minor correction: at least two directors left Marvel over creative differences. Patty Jenkins (it’s really weird that her name keeps popping up here for completely unrelated reasons) was originally hired to direct Thor: The Dark World, but left when she was unsatisfied with the script that

One of the film that still gets me to this day is The Good Earth, which is set in China and yet all of the lead actors are white actors in yellowface. Actual Chinese people were only used as background extras.

Supposedly, Anna May Wong (considered by many to be the first Chinese-American Hollywood star) was up for the

Appreciate this extensive timeline!

I would also mention John Carter was based on an Edgar Rice Burrows novel.  Its literally one of the earliest scifi stories.  Also Burrows wrote Tarzan so of course it aged poorly.  I agree with the overall consensus but there is a little more nuance to some of these choices.  Some, key word.

Fuck. No. And Fuck No.

If these even exists, and a few editors on the film have already slapped it down as being false, then given the plot of the movie, this will not be a fun time.

Most likely, it would be trans jokes and imagery that would make Buffalo Bill’s tuck and dance look harmless.

Robin Williams is dead. We

Thank you. I was hoping someone would point that out. The *whole point* plok t-point that triggers “Civil War” was that nations felt The Avengers were operating without any oversight and quick to cross any international borders without consequence. That was why the Sokovia Accords were drafted - because The Avengers

He’s talking in reference to the Flag Smashers, saying that their lives got worse when everyone else’s got better. He’s definitely not intended to be speaking about them sympathetically. And white people are often “hurt” by affirmative action/other practices, in that their positions of superiority and higher quality

Bartleby the Scrivener? Anybody? Not a big Melville crowd here, huh? Well, it’s not an easy read!

it was pretty straight forward all along if ignored all the internet theories lol.

Not saying it will or should happen, but I am going to giggle until the point of incontinence if Reed Richards shows up here.

Weird thing: So far, they’ve all died in the same order their characters do in the Director’s Cut (where Dallas is still alive until Ripley finds him in a cocoon):

I hope he got the bonus situation straightened out.

Because Riz Ahmed isn’t American, he’s British.

My one hope for all of this: I never have to hear about the fucking Snyder Cut again. I generally try not to yuck other people’s yum. I get that Snyder’s style is not appealing to me and that’s fine. Enjoy what you enjoy.

But damnit I am tired of hearing about this fucking thing.

You could tell very quickly that [Whedon] was very upset that people did not like Age of Ultron very much. This is what I gathered from the first conversation that I had with him. There was a bit of this sort of egotistical narcissism that ended up going into everything that he was trying to do.”

Whedon’s a scumbag, but I think Age of Ultron is better than its rep, even before the new lights shone on it through WandaVision. For all the messy production behind it, and it can definitely bleed through at times, the story still hangs together pretty well, I still laugh a lot with it (the party scene is still one

I still unabashedly love Age of Ultron despite its issues (and the spectre that is Joss Whedon). It still feels like the most “Avengers-y” of all the Avengers movies to me.

I don’t get the hate for AoU. I thought it was pretty damn good, especially considering all the extra story bits that had to get shoehorned into it to pave the way for future projects.

OMG talk about lazy reading!! It’s legit right there in the first paragraph.  D’OH!