We live in a timeline where a small segment of gamers thought developers should finish a game for free after being laid off.
We live in a timeline where a small segment of gamers thought developers should finish a game for free after being laid off.
I know it’s annoying that the translator wouldn’t answer the writer’s DMs, but that doesn’t necessarily warrant the negative tone of the article.
Are we really picking on fan translators now? Are we throwing a tantrum because they aren’t working on this one specific thing when these are just passion projects with relatively little budget? Remember empathy, people.
I’ll take any Tokimeki over no Tokimeki, and it’s unfair to be picky over something we’re receiving…
I mean, you say this, but then most of the article is you and Tim Rogers complaining that they didn’t translate the version you wanted.
Watching and understanding are two very, very different things for some of the bloggers around here.
“Indiana Jones isn’t an unimpeachable action hero who always does the right thing and always has a perfect plan in his back pocket (like a James Bond or an Ethan Hunt)”
I know this site’s been trending this way for a while, but this week especially, it’s stopped feeling like an entertainment site, and started feeling like a visit to the morality police, so I might have remove to my bookmark and stop visiting for the first time since 2001. That’s okay! Things change. I guess I just…
Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.
I am all for game preservation and ROMS and access to games that companies no longer sell or do not seem to care about so you cannot access it through them. However, anyone trying to profit off of that content is no good and should be shut down. I understand needing to pay for hosting and storage (I am sure a billion…
fucking amazing.
I was like Wut, wait how did I miss Danai Gurira in FatWS?
She was also great in “GET OUT”, “US” and who could forget her breakout role in “TOO WONG FOO, THANKS FOR EVERYTHING! -JULIE NEWMAR”.
“...My name is Fred.”
Yeah. Yikes is the correct response.
No, guys, she played Nick Fury. And she also used to host a show called The Oprah Winfrey Show.
“You like watching stuff featuring amoral monsters who seem to have no humanity left in them? Do we have the TV show for you!”
Glad you did. Made my day.
Not only recommending Friends, but pulling up a search image that actually kinda fits.
There’s not really going to be an end in the sense that the virus will never disappear. There will always be a lot of unvaccinated people in the United States and some of them will always be spreading this virus. Maybe at significantly lower levels than today, but they’ll be there.