
I mean. I’ve heard of Lisa Kudrow!

“Gilliam was one of the original members of the British comedy group Monty Python and Time Bandits was written alongside of the other members of the troupe.”

I generally thoroughly enjoy Taika’s productions/work but I wish he had skipped this particular movie to reuse. No one can or should attempt to recreate a Gilliam movie (or any of the other Python’s collective or individual work) as it’s just TOO iconic and distinctive.

Star studded seems like a slight overreach.

Comparing it to the Tuskegee experiments is asinine. Those had nothing to do with soldiers or the military. Literally the only thing that connects this to anything related to African-American history is that these are sentient flying monkeys and that “monkeys” is a racist pejorative for black people, and that’s hardly

Hawkeye quickly looking pretty timely.

as not-Muslim-but-still-brown guy who grew up in the 80's/90's, i was joking-but-not-really-joking the other day that it will be nice to have the Russians as the bad guys again.

I’ll attribute it to the lack of Muslim leads in general, but the idea that we’ll have a Muslim main character shown praying who isn’t a terrorist feels like a breath of fresh air.

It’s not a good idea. Full stop.

We live in a timeline where a small segment of gamers thought developers should finish a game for free after being laid off.

I know it’s annoying that the translator wouldn’t answer the writer’s DMs, but that doesn’t necessarily warrant the negative tone of the article.

Are we really picking on fan translators now? Are we throwing a tantrum because they aren’t working on this one specific thing when these are just passion projects with relatively little budget? Remember empathy, people.

I’ll take any Tokimeki over no Tokimeki, and it’s unfair to be picky over something we’re receiving

I mean, you say this, but then most of the article is you and Tim Rogers complaining that they didn’t translate the version you wanted.

Agreed. The more he keeps talking about it, the more it keeps the situation fresh in people’s minds. I mean, this was five years ago, why bring it up again? Even if someone else brings it up in an interview, he can just say, “I’d rather talk about upcoming projects instead of stories from a long time ago.” Most celebs

“I’m an artist at the end of the day. If I do something risky and you don’t like it, basically, you can kiss my ass.”

*Looks at WW84*

Or it’s on the OP for not paying attention to what they’re watching. There is literally a point in the movie where Thena outright TELLS Sersi why Ajak picked her. If you miss it even after the movie tells you to your face in exact words, that is on you. Not the movie. Same when Arishem is expositing to Sersi earlier.

I’m sorry that everyone Is piling on and criticizing you about your gay comment - but you need to get some gay friends. 

Ikaris also came across to me like a kid, when really they should be just as adult as the rest of the Eternals but stuck in a kid’s body.

Why exactly was Gemma chosen to succeed Salma?