Whenever you have to say your partner will no longer give you permission to do something, it’s a bad relationship.
Whenever you have to say your partner will no longer give you permission to do something, it’s a bad relationship.
This show’s definitely lost a defining factor since it’s become so popular. I feel like so many of the queens are just clothes hangers or Instagram models who show off other people’s products. Few of them have to design and create their own look or perform in front of a crowd.
This is slowly turning into a platform…
“I am so ashamed I made you uncomfortable.”
So it’s not that what he did was wrong in and of itself, it’s that she reacted to it so it’s on her that he’s ashamed.
*I* am not responsible for how *you* feel. Whether you’re angry, upset, ashamed or contemplative about something I do is all up to you, I can’t control it. If this teller “felt” uncomfortable with Samuel, that has nothing to do with Samuel, it’s all on the teller.
Or maybe the teller is just a racist idiot making…
I hate when people use your/their when speaking about truth. Truth is just what’s honest and factual, it doesn’t belong to anyone. It always comes across as if they’re trying to elevate someone’s opinion into something sacrosanct and unassailable.
And the way Sharon talked over Cheryl boils my blood. Demanding that…
Man, this site will publish an article about *anything*.
It’s not that making a sarcastic comment about his weight that’s tasteless, it’s mentioning his weight that’s tasteless. Which you did.
You pointed out his weight and then made a self-congratulatory post about how you’re not “that person”. So you get to have your cake and eat it too.
So, yay you?
We hear stories about poor women making bad relationship decisions and ending up in a trailer park with 3 kids and a deadbeat husband. At least we know the “upper-crust” can make bad choices as well.
I feel a little sympathy for her, she’s in for a rude awakening when Shkreli dumps her and she realizes she torpedoed…
This shows that the issues surrounding producing games is never going to change. For all the talk about “no crunch” for the developers, they still crunched. They knowingly knew console versions were going to be horrible but banked on a great PC game.
The game is good, the developers did a fantastic job. But it was…
I agree, he’s pretty bad and really isn’t channeling Biden. I hate when they give non-cast members large re-occurring impersonations. You have about 57 people in the cast now, I’m sure one of them can handle it. Or if you’re going to farm your talent elsewhere, pick someone who can make Biden their own character while…
Tyra reminds me of a high school girl in drama who doesn’t realize how much she’s overacting. Part of Tyra’s charm is how cheesy and unaware she is. She’s game to be silly but doesn’t quite realize that we’re laughing at her, not with her.
She’s a 180 from Tom Bergeron’s low-key affability and takes things way too seri…
The fact the he feels that he needs to say about Lauer, who was fired for also grabbing women by the pussy, “That he didn’t fight for me is so deeply hurtful because I’ve known him for absolutely ever.” just shows Billy Boy still has his head far, far up his ass and it’s not leaving any time soon.
As a gay kid of the 80s I knew the correlation between being gay and being considered less than masculine. And every kid who slung that word knew what they were doing and what that word meant. Fag, sissy, homo - they all meant the same thing and were all used to imply the same thing.
Youtubers are like Trump and their fans are like Trump supports. The awful behavior isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. There’s nothing so heinous a Youtuber can do that will permanently lose them significant subscribers. Their fans love this crap and eat every petty drama and racist behavior up with a spoon.
Trump didn’t…
Holy shit. That’s terrible. I can’t even think of anything snarky to say.
At least this is going to follow her around for the rest of her life.
Oh, Ivanka has no. room. to. talk. That Trump DNA is really fucking hideous.
I’m hoping she goes to prison but gets out in time to save Saul in the post-Breaking Bad era.
I don’t know about that. This isn’t a conversation that’s sexualizing her or anything. Her mom works for Trump and her dad has no problem whatsoever making his personal marital life public. It seems like they’ve raised a daughter who’s utilizing the media to her advantage.
My take: Like someone else said, she’s a rich,…
Wait, are they getting five days off in addition to what they already have or did they not have any paid time-off before? If the latter, that’s bullshit. Not giving your staff any paid time-off is crap and Ellen shouldn’t be proud of giving them five days off, she should be ashamed that on top of everything else, her…
As a white guy, our job is to amplify voices of POC and help them to be heard, not to drown out their protests with our own or shift the spotlight to us.
Well-intentioned or not, this is camera-fuckery of the highest order and was really inexplicable in helping raise the awareness that black people shouldn’t be used as…