Ethan Quiñones

She is using her voice to generate the wrong kind of action. We dont need more sob stories, especially stories that are only published to generate clicks

Of course gay people are not pretending to be gay. But people make up sob stories online all the time. No one of the most common tropes somehow involves being gay, or defending a gay person. It has nothing to do with homosexuality, its just that many online communities symphathize with gay people now, as they should .

If someone wrote a positive review about an unpopular show, criticism would pore in. This website tends to lean towards aggressive populism

Jezebel is not a place for serious discussions about anything, its a rabid pit of one sided extremism. It might not be as bad as Fox News, but it is not in anyway similar to academic standards

I think her story has several problems. One, which is out of her control, is that so many people add a gay element, or involve gay characters, to add an emotional twist to their stories. People are tired of seeing that emotional manipulation. The other thing is that she avoids making a nuanced debate and bases her

Yes, the review is negative. But the headline, and the main theme of the article, address the fact that the movie uses gayness in its humor. It's clickbait for liberals. Fox News does the same thing, they add a couple lines of real commentary into an article that is 99% conservative bullshit

I had forgotten about that, i thought the video was pretty funny

The joke works sometimes because two straight people are doing things other think is gay, the actual gayness is not what brings the humor, its the misdirection. This movie is just bad. I think soon we'll see more of the opposite, where gay characters are mistaken for straight and that can also be funny

I dont know if I can trust AV Club anymore for reviews… This movie is embarrassingly terrible, Kevin Hart is the opposite of funny, and the biggest criticism is that there are too many gay jokes

I think the fact that she wasn't offended and just kept walking is more progressive than depictions of transsexual people that attempt to be progressive

Edgy is the word I've seen being used the most lately, but it does seem they are particularly touchy about gender

The "weird transexual robot" is actually a running gag, and I thought it was pretty funny. It seems like AVclub can't handle jokes that are too "edgy" anymore

Exactly. They are repeating the same things everybody else has already said about Swift and Minaj. Why would I want to re read the same sentiments on every website?

Today was the first time I realized that was possible. I thought it was like Imgur, where you automatically upvote yourself

Taylor Swift? Nicki Minaj? If you like their music, fine. But maybe consider exposing people to new music, instead of promoting the same millionaires that everyone has heard way too many times?

Girls is an abomination, why does anyone like Lena Dunham?

This site used to have good reviews, now they judge TV shows on how well they progress a certain agenda

Very true, but these girls weren't drugged, according to the story. Alcohol seems to appear in every account, but alcohol is also present at most parties and hotels

Rape is rarely about the victims appearance. Her actual age would be a much bigger factor than whether or not she looked 19

15 to 19 makes a huge difference in maturity, hence the consent laws that prevent 15 year olds from consenting to sex. Rapists tend to go after a specific type, such as young blonde children, or black teenage girls. It isn't about sexual attraction, its about power and control fantasies acted out on victims. Maybe