Ethan Quiñones

You keep saying white/non white like those are the only two options. A show about a single mom who tries to make ends meet is suddenly just a "white" show, and the shitty sit com becomes "non white." These distinctions don't matter as much as you think they do. A fresh start would be to stop caring so much, and simply

The only thing controversial about it is that so many people focused on how it was a huge step forward for black people, only looking at Elba for his race. It would be like if a Mexican guy ran for president, and everyone was so happy a Latino was in contention that they ignored his policies and ideas. I'm angry that

That's just nonsense. If a black actor is cast simply because of public pressure, and not because the director truly believes they are the best for the role. what have we achieved? The appearance of diversity and equality, without either. I'd rather take a slower, less flashy path to getting there and actually achieve

You're a god damn idiot. Of course there can be a black bond, if a director actually decides an actor fits the role, not just because a bunch of retards like you decide to retweet some bullshit social justice cause. You think you're doing the world a favor, but its just a twisted belief that white people need to save

Im pretty sure that executives are much more concerned with making money than promoting racism. If they continue to do something, it probably does sell. The responsibility is then placed on the consumers. Do consumers actually feel more comfortable seeing characters similar to themselves in terms of race? And is this

No one said racism is fixed. If anything, more people are now being judged on their race than 20 years ago. What is stopping us from casting actors based on merit, unless a role specifically calls for a race or gender? Why cant past racism be acknowledged, while at the same time moving forward with how we cast people

It kinda seems like you don't get how humans work. Right now we are over correcting for past mistakes instead of making a fresh start. That sounds like classic human behavior; an unwillingness to think differently and go overboard with decades old programs

Do you care to elaborate?

It's an example. Personally, I feel that the James Bond rumors were just put out there to get some controversy over a black Bond. Elba himself said he wasn't comfortable with the role, but many of the people pushing for it claimed that it was a much needed step in terms of diversity, and then added his talents as an

What is your point? That because it was unfair in the past, we now have to be just as unfair ? Meritocracy should be the goal, why can't we start now?

They keep trying to form their own countries, but then immigrants come and muddle up the racial balance again. It's almost like its time to stop thinking about race and focus on people

I think the point here is either being purposely misconstrued or ignored. The original article is pointing out that simply casting foreign or minority actors in roles won't actually reverse racism or discrimination in the long run- actors are still being cast based on race and not merit. For example, instead of

People must hate Taylor Swift because she's a women, not because she makes shitty music. AV club needs to stop imitating buzzfeed

The article is click bait, but the kind of click bait that generates clicks through reassurance of a certain mindset rather than an outrageous claim. For example, fox news might publish an article with the same title, same picture, but replace lesbian with war veteran, and old bigot with a young liberal. In the fox

What about this "perspective" is novel or interesting? How does it further any new ideas or challenge the way people are thinking? To me it really reads as a childish fable meant to illustrate that homosexuality is acceptable, a fact which any moderately intelligent person should come to on their own and already be

You're still ignoring my main point. Its not necessarily Cameron making up a story, or any gay person making up a story, but rather the natural human tendency to exaggerate or add sympathetic elements to garner attention. People pretend to be veterans, to have cancer, aids, anything that will invite sympathy.

Really? Are you trying to misinterpret what I'm saying, or are you honestly so lacking in reading skills that you have trouble understanding what I said? Lets go reallllll slow so you dont get lost. Some people draw more sympathy then other. The internet likes sympathetic stories. People want attention so they make

Basing your argument solely off personal views is idiotic. Lets say someone lives in Texas, and happens to have a Mexican neighbour. The neighbour is fat, loud, lazy, and abusive towards his family. Should the Texan's only personal experience with Mexicans be the basis for his world view? Should he share this

Says who? Were you there? Everytime I read this story it wounds less and less true. Not because the author is gay, but because she casts her self as the smart, courageous victim, who was aggressively attacked for her sexuality. Sure, it could have happened, but I very much doubt that it happened exactly as recounted

I'm sorry to break the news, but being a straight person is normal, meaning the usual or average. Normal vs abnormal should not be synonymous with good vs bad. Also, I never said she was being manipulative. I very clearly said that it was out of her control, and that so many people use race, sex, or orientation to