Ethan Quiñones

Because of the age difference. Serial rapists stick to a type. They don't rape out of sexual desire, they do it for power and control, playing out a specific fantasy. It is strange to see a huge age difference in victims

True, 15 year olds are pretty dumb. But with the drinking games, and the Playboy Mansion, the average 15 year old should've realized what was going on. And this was pre-Huxtable Cosby, so he wasn't yet the cultural icon he would become

And they don't go from 23 year olds to 15 year olds, they stick to the same victim profile over and over, to fulfill a power fantasy.

In this story Cosby's alleged behavior is very, very flirtatious. You don't bring a girl to the Playboy mansion to talk about business. Wouldn't the girl have know he was going to try something sexual? DISCLAIMER: Questioning the choices of a victim is not victim blaming. Victims can make bad choices that lead to

The feminists can't say anything against him because that would be victim blaming. The MRA's don't toe the party line as much as the feminists do, so they're free to whatever the fuck they want, and the stupidest ones get the most attention. Feminists hashtag anyone who dissents to death

Akin is a piece of shit, but he did not say that. He thought that the stress of rape would cause a miscarriage, which was a common view back when this guy was born in the dark ages. He wasn't victim blaming, he was spouting false, outdated ideas. Kind of like every Republican, and half the Democrats

True, but neither did Bill Cosby and they still took whatever prospects he did have away from him

OK that doesn't change the fact that if it were a woman, and Morgan made the same comments, twitter would create a hashtag to try and inflict some sort of punishment on him. There is a clear double standard here

Way to toss a little feminist slant in there AV club, don't see any complaints when male characters struggle to balance home and work life

Maybe we should focus on the real evil shit Murdoch does, instead of following him on twitter. Who the fuck cares what Rupert Murdoch thinks about Egyptian's skin color?

If he were a woman, no one would be allowed to question the details and plausibility of the alleged rape. Piers Morgan would be immediately fired if he said the same about other cases, a lot of which have much less credibility than this one.