
Good grief, I'd never heard of this before, and I think of myself as moderately knowledgeable in barbecue matters. I'd like to try it sometime.

Probably the funniest recorded role-playing session I've ever listened to was a game of Fiasco about murdering someone…pretty much exactly like this guy!…

A crisis that will reshape the very cosmos? Wowie! Now that's a concept that I've never seen done before in comics! Exciting!

So it's been covered already, but my thrifty Scottish blood recoils at the idea of throwing liquor out, especially expensive absinthe. Might as well just smoke the inside of the glass with the fumes of a burning $10 bill. God, there's probably some cocktail recipe from the 80's that does in fact call for burnt money.

Wow, I thought that Gudnason guy was Tom Hiddleston for a second. That is definitely not a bad thing.

The Best TV of 2017. Twenty six fucking shows. For six months' worth of television. There is just too much good shit on TV now. I'm serious about that. It's a problem.

I'm down for this. I don't care about saving money on meat - I just really love mushrooms.

As a fellow Ellisabeth, I feel ya.

Right, unlike the 60's and 70's, which we remember for their boring stability. That's why all the popular movies back then looked like Ozu films.

I don't really buy the political/sociological angle; I suspect it had more to do with water parks becoming more popular, and possibly an advance in camera-rigging technology that could make such sequences look better than they could before. Though I don't have any evidence to back up that assertion.

So, better or worse than The Shallows? Or double feature-worthy?

For Chambers, read "The Repairer of Reputations" and "In the Court of the Dragon," and especially the poem "Cassilda's Song," None of them have anything to do with the plot details of True Detective, but they are the basis of the King in Yellow imagery and mood. They should all be findable for free online.

Happy to oblige! I think the thing to keep in mind is that this is Ligotti/R.W. Chambers horror, not Lovecraftian horror (insofar as it is horror at all).

Seems tasty! I'll have to try it out the next time I'm at a cocktail bar.

I need a slower version of that A-B-C t-shirt folding move. I'm intrigued.

It strikes me as funny that people seem to get upset about the show ripping off nihilism from Thomas Ligotti. As if that could possibly matter. As if anything could possibly matter to anybody.

I think there was a supernatural monster, though. Just of a sort that was impossible for anybody in the show to directly perceive or understand.

I don't think there's anything wrong with yellow mustard. It's my second favorite kind, after beer mustard. Heck, it's just mustard, vinegar, and turmeric. Pure, simple stuff.

I've found a heck of a good beer mustard at Aldi. It's like more than 60% beer.

Down here in Missouri, we have plenty of love for brats thanks to our own German immigrant population (what my state lacks in culinary specialization we make up for in pillaging all of our neighbors' specialties). The little German-heritage community of Hermann holds their Wurstfest every spring, where you can sample