
That looks hot as hell.

Is there supposed to be an image of the poster on this page somewhere? If so, that shit ain't loading for me.

Why he couldn't have pointed the bomber out into the North Sea and bailed out is a bit mysterious. 50 square miles really ain't that much sea.

My wife and her compatriots had to watch all of Mabuse during her German MA program. She says the relentless xylophone musical track made them all want to die.

I don't think sweet vermouth does. But it lasts a very long time if you refrigerate it.

Looks tasty. And my dad just might have all of the ingredients for it already. He definitely had the Benedictine…might need some Peychaud's Bitters though.

And almost nobody pronounces it with a hard "g" anymore, either. There's no "j" sounds in ancient Greek, people!

He strikes me as the type of Boomer crank who's sort of a mishmash of left and right kookiness, possibly because what seemed left-wing in the 60's can sometimes seem right-wing these days.

I think there are two groups after Dougie: Coopleganger's hit squad, and whoever he owes 50 grand to. I wasn't sure whether the guys in the black muscle car were simply thieves, or the 50 grand guys.

The central Coop/Evil Coop storyline is really beginning to remind me of a Tim Powers novel. Powers often has crazy gonzo mystical shit in his novels ("Three Days to Never" for example features a backwards phone call from the future from the ghost of Albert Einstein's quantum clone, plus clairvoyant heads preserved in

Dougie was a homunculus of a doppelganger, obviously. I mean, how much clearer could it be?

That actor, Eamon Farren, played the protagonist in Jennifer Lynch's movie "Chained." We saw it at the Twin Peaks Festival in North Bend back in 2012. Really creepy movie. He was the kidnapped victim/protege of a serial killer named Bob.

But his family has a thriving business of putting old white people's brains into young black people's bodies. He's got prospects!

It began to drag for me a bit in this episode, too. We'll see how the next one is paced.

One thing I think we can all agree on: The Bang Bang Bar has become the coolest music venue on the West Coast.

He should have known from the start. Woody Woodpecker has always been a monstrous sociopath. If the Boys had even a shred of their progenitor's personality, they were bound to cause problems.

Sounds tasty, though I'm very much a classicist when it comes to my martini ingredients: good gin, and good dry vermouth, 4:1 ratio (or 6:1 depending on how I'm feeling). And pimento-stuffed green Spanish olives, though a pitted kalamata can be an interesting variation.

I generally prefer my martinis shaken, because I like the little ice shards, and whatever slight dilution takes place doesn't bother me. Best martini I ever had was in an airport bar in O'Hare, and it was shaken so hard it was almost an ice slushee.

I like to imagine that Fury Road was originally just a story about Furiosa, but over time it was integrated into the larger cycle of Mad Max tales sort of like how all the cool knights in British/Welsh/Breton chivalry tales ended up eventually being part of King Arthur's court.

It's interesting that you claim that, when there are in fact several places on earth right now where roving gangs are going around killing people.