
I think Shakespeare's is pretty good. They're very generous with the toppings, though that can have the effect of making the result too greasy.

Also a Columbian. If you like provel, you'll like St. Louis-style pizza. I don't like provel, so I don't like St. Louis-style pizza.

Hottest Take: ranking them competitively doesn't matter. The entire Looney Tunes oevre is richer due to the interplay of all the directors' individual sensibilities in relation to one another. Tex Avery's work would not be as much fun without comparison to Chuck Jones's, likewise Jones to Clampett, etc.

Oh wow, a new version of Flying Battery, which is without rival my favorite piece of video game music of all time.

Aldi, which is mostly the same business model as Trader Joe's but cheaper and less bougie-styled, uses the same practice. They're open about it if you ask. The stuff often literally comes off the same assembly lines as name brand stuff. You just aren't paying for the branding.

Well, I finally got on the Plunkbat train. Gonna spend my weekend furiously running away from blue circles and getting sniped by guys I never see. I have a lovely floral shirt, though.

Who's the guy in the sunglasses in the header image? Kinda looks like Steve Bannon.

I used to get Hot sauce at Taco Bell, Then I did a side-by-side of all the sauces, and discovered that Mild is actually better and more flavorful than Hot, and with virtually no difference in spiciness. Now I go half and half with Mild and Fire.

I think Chik-Fil-A sauce is better than Zaxby's, but they're both in the same league. Which is a good league. The highest professional league of whatever sport sauces play. Sauccer?

Chicano Batman is awesome live. I got to see them open for Claypool Lennon Delirium a few years back, when I'd never heard of them before. Super nice guys, and great showmen. I felt that their albums (which I bought all of at the show) sounded a little too thinly-produced, though. Glad they're getting some pop

Yay, Neil Young! I was just listening to Everybody's Rockin' and reading about him getting sued for allegedly making intentionally non-commercial albums.

So…nachos but with the cheese on the side?

Capsule review: it's one of *those* kinda movies, except actually pretty good.

So apparently Roxane Gay just wrote this same article today for the New York Times. I must confess that I don't find her version of the argument any more persuasive than O'Neal's.

Thanks! This is actually set on the Missouri-Kansas border during the Civil War, but still has plenty of Mormons. :)

They should get bogged down into a multi-month siege and eventually give up after exhausting their resources and failing to establish supply lines. They then limp back to Dragonstone after losing half their forces to dysentery and scurvy. That would make great television!

Speaking of Lovecraft — and shameless self-promotion — I've written a scenario for the Call of Cthulhu RPG based on the fallout from the Mormon War, the brutality of the Civil War in Missouri, and lots of mythos creepiness.

One of my ancestors, George Hinkle, was an important figure in the conflict. A leader in the Mormon church, he was partially responsible for arranging Joseph Smith's surrender as an element of what the Mormons expected to be a negotiated peace. The ensuing court martial and threat of execution revealed that the state

That's a fair criticism of a common pitfall. A good show could avoid this by being very specific and detailed about the practical qualities of the alt-history scenario, basically exploring it as we would a real-world culture that isn't our own.

So, we should deal with our failures to learn from history by…giving up on trying to learn from history? Okay.