
That's actually true. One of my left-leaning friends was talking about how he and his (also left-wing) father are getting into the prepping spirit now, buying books and multi-tools and stuff.

He definitely did. That costume could not be laundered.

I'll bet that would be really good, too. I'll try that…maybe when the wife and I finally finish off this cruddy old bottle of white whiskey, probably sometime next winter.

Hot toddies are about the only thing I like white corn whiskey in. But it's perfect for that. Quarter of a mug of moonshine, squeeze in half a lemon, put in some honey, plus one star of anise, fill to the top with boiling water, stir it up. Does the trick.

It's a comedy bit, it works for you or it doesn't. It worked great for me. I laughed hard. Even without really being familiar with the Brando movie that it was parodying.

Could be. Or both? Difficult to say.

Not if you eat the stick. I used to do that when I was a kid.

Right. I suspect that Cooper's mental debilitation is at least partially a result of him and the Coopleganger's simultaneous existence in our reality. Which is why Evil Cooper is also showing similar symptoms in his conversation with the feds, albeit not as severe as real Coop's

I theorize that the thing banging on the door — which the second woman (Ronette?) calls "my mother," is the same entity that killed to two young kids in the New York glass box room. My guess is that it's some kind of wrathful anti-sex prudish mother-figure spirit.

Humper's! (with a cartoon camel mascot)

In the unedited version, the first message they successfully translate from the heptapods is, "Send nudes"

Thus we prevented an endless guerrilla insurgency and a result like the former Yugoslavia. Or did our best to; the Ku Klux Klan and anti-Reconstruction terrorism still occurred, but it was at a much smaller scale than it would have been if we had, for example, executed Robert E. Lee.

That's several on-the-ball world leaders who have got the jerkshake sorted out. Justin Trudeau neatly deployed his boxer training to get inside of it, staying classy while denying Donald the leverage he expected. Angela Merkel got psychological and kept him from trying for any shake at all. Emomali Rahmon of

Yes, but if you go to Lake of the Ozarks your best bet for anonymity would be to open a t-shirt shop. Or a sports bar with a doofy almost-but-not-quite-double-entendre name, like Spunky's or Skeevy's.

Yeah, this looks pretty dope to me. I'm surprised that this is the first time I've heard about it. The glimpses here do look like they're pulling primarily from Castlevania 3, which is a very good choice. Can't wait to hear the music; hope they translate the symphonic metal feel of the games effectively.

Lieder of Eyeliner

But New Jersey and Texas really *are* scary and depressing! Television shows have told me so!

I scrolled back up to the top, then down again, and it magically disappeared. I suspect that's not an intentional design feature.

Going down to a friend's house for a day-long Magic: the Gathering tourney. We limit ourselves to decks that cost less than $10 total on, and this time every deck has to consist of at least 50% cards with the same word in the title. Gonna see what I can do with "Eye," running Evil Eye of Urborg and Evil