
I drive through the Lake of the Ozarks area pretty frequently, going from Jefferson City to Springfield. Thank God they built that bypass five years back, now I only have to drive past half as many strip malls to get through it. Saves me half an hour.

Eh, I still thought it was funny, even with the mispronunciation. It works written, but not spoken.

Yay, a show that will definitely portray my home region in a positive and uplifting style!

So for all you Pedant Club fans out there, here's a slightly more complete take:

I can't figure out how the make the damn mini box go away as I'm scrolling down the page. It covers up the posting button on the commenting box.

I agree. It was better than I expected to get in 44 seconds. Mentioned both ingredients and taste qualities.
Still upvoting Ion Chef for the turn of phrase though.


Of course, that guy's a great actor. He's been playing Paul ever since the real Paul McCartney died in 1966. It's just hard for him to vary the character up after all this time.

The boiled down version seems to be, "A lot of people hate it, but it's good for hangovers and you can make 3 cocktails with it." That…doesn't really sell me on the "Everybody should have a bottle at home" conclusion.

Does anybody know if Fire Walk With Me is available for streaming anywhere convenient? Wife and I watched the whole series years back, and even went to the Twin Peaks Festival in North Bend, but somehow we never watched the movie. I'd like to correct that before next weekend.

There's a McDonald's her in my town that undercooks their fries. It's a crime against nature.

I appreciate In-N-Out for the purity of the experience. It's not that the burger itself is perfect, but the whole place is sort of the Platonic standard of a hamburger fast food restaurant.

For a long time, I only liked culver's for their fried chicken, which I really love. I really hate their crinkle-cut fries. But about a week ago I gave their burger another try…and y'all are right, it's really good.

I just discovered this new menu thing yesterday. I usually only go to McDonald's for breakfast (it's the only thing directly on my commute).

Everybody wins! And by "everybody" we mean "everybody who's a lawyer."

They still have malt powder at my local non-chain ice cream shop. And they go nuts with it, putting in enough to turn my cherry shake a weird brownish pink. I love it so much.

I somehow missed out on Chocolate Rain at its peak, even though I was in college and on the internet a lot at the time, so I should have been right in the bullseye. I think I first saw anything about it while watching some kind of dumb "top 10 viral videos of the year" thing on E! over Christmas break, at 3 am while


I'm glad the TV report didn't take too long to get to the "wild goose chase" bit. We all knew it was coming, better to lead with it. Good writing.

I watched them. Funniest part for me was Lil Wayne as a CSI investigator.