
I actually think Domino's has massively improved in the last couple years or so, starting around when they began promoting their revised recipes. Though the drop-off in cheese stretchiness you describe was probably previous to that. They certainly haven't gotten back to that level.

I'm sadly the same way. Well, sad for me, but happy for my wife, who finally has a liquor she can buy that I won't drink up before she gets her fair share.

Was it good, though?

If I can't stand tequila — even the good stuff, which I can at least understand how someone could like, but I still can't appreciate myself — is there any chance that I could like mezcal?

Fanfic writers have been employing this theory (and a million variations of it) for seven years now. There's a huge genre of Snape fic set after the novels, mostly with him teaming up/hooking up with Hermione. Some of it is even good.

It's okay, we don't need you to defend us. I hope you're happier wherever you live now.

Parts of Missouri are the South. Other parts are the Midwest/Great Plains. And some of the South parts are like the Deep South, and others are like Appalachia.

Who are the Inhumans again? What's their deal? I feel like I'm supposed to be familiar with them or something, but I'm not.

My wife has gotten big into both Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme. She said she feels kinda guilty that she's only been getting into comics due to the movies. I told her that neither Marvel nor the local comic shop wants her to feel guilty about that.

Yes, the biggest problem with 3.5 and PF — and especially with what they evolved into after years of rules bloat, more than what they were in their original core books — is that there was eventually a published answer to pretty much every possible situational modifier or choice of action. And most players seemed to

My mom is a big fan. I've seen a few episodes with her. The Los Angeles show turns me into an old man too, because I'm always angry that the Navy is wasting my tax dollars to rent that opulent headquarters building!

I got started in RPGs mostly with Pathfinder. I've wanted to get my group to give 5th edition D&D a try for a while, since it seems like it's in the sweet spot of feeling like classic D&D but cutting back on the extreme complexity of 3.5/PF. But in the mean time I've moved on to other genres, like Call of Cthulhu and

And let's not forget Naan, which is the best flat bread in the world — and seeing as every single culture on Earth has some version of flat bread, that's no mean feat.

No. What's Dads? I said I'm a big fan, not a stalker.

It actually is a sex term. But just for secret adultery, not for anything particularly inventive.

It somehow doesn't come up in the course of the series.

Agreed about Gerety. Fabulous performance.

Enjoyed it a ton. I'm a big Giovanni Ribisi fan, so of course I'd love it for that. But all the other characters are excellent as well.

"Wonderful Christmas Time" absolutely does not deserve more respect than it's usually given.

There was one Let's Play on there. Two 8 year old boys propping up a phone to sorta point at their TV, putting on Little Big Planet 2, and yelling 8 year old boy jokes at each other. So pretty good by the standards of the genre.