
Which videos I click to keep watching tells me a lot about my own psychology.
Apparently I like jazz, animals, and babies (but not kids).

Oh my gosh, two videos of the same little black girl in a Batman romper, I feel like I've stumbled onto a secret story line.

Am I the only 32-year-old guy around who's never heard of the Phantasm series, and has no idea what this is supposed to be? It looks kinda like a Golden Snitch, but silver and pointier.

I just got a bottle of that dry curaçao that he's using, and it is fucking amazing.

I've only tried Hendrick's once, and I was surprised to find that it didn't taste much different from other good gins to me. I was expecting a more extreme variation. Maybe I just wasn't picking up on the flavor, and I'd need to try it side by side with Sapphire or something to taste the difference. At any rate, it

I haven't had Old Tom gin yet, but I'll have to get a bottle and try out this recipe (now that I finally have a good shop that has orange bitters). I wonder how it would taste with Plymouth?

Agreed. The martini got to be the world's most famous cocktail because of the wonderful flavor combination of good vermouth and good gin. Then fatuous macho sots like Churchill decided that drier was cooler and pretty soon everybody was just drinking ice cold straight gin. There's nothing wrong with a cold glass of

Spiritual Warfare was awesome. It was weirdly one of the better Zelda clones. And you got to shoot demons with bananas.

Yes, and Super Noah's Ark! I've heard that most of their other games are practically unplayable from bugs. But we had another one, called "Spiritual Warfare," which was a pretty passable Zelda clone where you saved people by throwing pieces of fruit at them.

I have an awesome — and holiday relevant! — glitch story:

Paul McCartney's "Wonderful Christmastime" came out in 1979. In early December, 1980, John Lennon was murdered. My theory is that John arranged it himself just so he wouldn't have to hear that song for a second year in a row.

I wasn't into that cheesy Super Smash rap parody until I got to the Pikachu verse done in the style of Shock G.

Man, somehow I never noticed those two Wilhelm screams before. That's a very educational video.

My wife spends every Christmas time listening to John Lennon, because she says it's the most Christmasy music in the world. Not his Christmas song, though. She thinks that one kinda sucks.

That's exactly what I love about Capaldi's Doctor, actually. He's much more cerebral, interested in understanding his situations rather than enjoying them. I like that shift.

I agree, it was way too fast-paced. This is a standard Moffat weakness. Sometimes, it doesn't matter; other times (like her, and in "The Time of the Doctor") it's so bad that it renders the episode almost indecipherable in a single viewing.

The biggest problem with Clara in this episode is that she *literally* did not have to be there. No element of the heist relied on any actions by her. She was exclusively there just so the other characters could have someone to talk to. I think the episode could have been much better if they'd just written her out,

Man, I'd never gotten that before. Thanks, AV Club!

YEAH Fireball Island! Wish we still had our old set. We had the board for such a long time after we had lost all of the cards and other pieces. Man, what a fun game.