Ethan Arlen Marcantel

Where did I say women were mean to me? Unless you think you can read my mind… which you can't. In the meantime, look up Earl Silverman and Erin Pizzey.

I don't care what the book is about. I asked which statement seemed more encompassing. "Nope" doesn't answer that question.

James Rolfe's video has a better rating on YouTube than the new Ghostbusters trailer. It really seems like people of any gender (fun fact: the majority of women categorically refuse to identify with feminist ideology, apparently because women are stupid according to feminists) have the notion that, judging by the

"The cold hard truth is that teens are taking over the world, and nowhere more so than Tumblr-"

"Her victories belong to the woman who knows how to glad-hand, even though she’s done the damn work to earn the promotion."

"… and not just because of all the other benefits that men tend to get in society…."

"The power of strong female friendship is an almost universally acknowledged subject."

"garbage word"

Most men aren't oppressed. If you are living in what is considered to be "the West" and a lot of the rest of the world, you probably aren't oppressed. That means most women are also not oppressed. Oppression requires a level of state control that just isn't present at this time.

"Because after a while, you get tired of telling the creationists and the flat-Earthers why they're idiots, and you just cut them off at the first possible opportunity."

"One of the great pleasures of the Harry Potter series was seeing the rock-solid platonic male-female friendship at the heart of the story. While Ron’s always good for an encouraging word and is quick to be roped into a scheme, it’s Hermione Granger who’s Harry’s closest confidant, emotional center, moral compass, and

If it's a sham, surely you can explain in detail why it is a sham instead of resorting to remarks like "eat shit".

It is a hard thing to study, considering the subective interpretations that go into words like "sociopathy" and "psychopathy". These aren't really well-defined things.

How is it a straw man argument to say that? And why the rhetoric?

I can't imagine many MRAs talking about "how horribly oppressed they think they are" considering that most MRAs I've come across (I'm not one, btw) have a more nuanced understanding of the term "oppressed" than just "the wider society doesn't treat me the way I would prefer to be treated at all times". While MRAs

Remember, wanting any shelters for abused men and for infant boys to not be mutilated for aesthetic purposes is "creepy-as-fuck".

Oh, that's responsible for a lot of child abuse.

Witch stories are one of the few genres in which a bunch of girls become reckless and drunk with power leading to acts of "clearly justified" vengeance. Witch stories are fundamentally about how these girls found their powers through friendship and hardship… and then completely abuse them by using their powers for

Everytime anyone goes on a spiel about how a toy, a videogame, or a movie is going to "threaten" someone's masculinity, it always comes across as written by a petulent child.

The Red Pill: Where everyone outside of the discussion understands that there is shared ideological "ground" but doesn't understand that there are vastly different ways to use it.