Ethan Arlen Marcantel

I'm pretty sure there would not be any uproar whatsoever if American cinema capped the amount of black people onscreen to 12.6%.

And they would call you and asshole for saying that. Now, which one is correct? (Evidence, please.)

"You're MRA's because WE SAY you're MRA's."

"I think describing ROK as a MRA website is, if anything, complimentary."

A.V. Club keeps associating RoK with the MRM. That is fallacious, as shown by the link I've provided in which a poster on RoK claims in no uncertain terms that "The Men’s Rights Movement Is No Place For Men" (that's the title of the "article"). This is a sentiment that is shared by all on that website, yet A.V. Club

Why did my comment get removed? All I did was provide a link that showed that the A.V. Club is misrepresenting an issue that they keep bringing up. All I want is some intellectual honesty.

I'll wait until you calm down. You are clearly too angry to comprehend the fact that I'm trying to have an adult conversation with you, not to have a shouting match over which ideology can stop sexism the fastest.

Let me make this perfectly clear: although your intentions were to be as polite as possible, your inferences about me based on my conversations here are extremely insulting. When I say that I don't play statistics, I don't mean to say that I don't understand them or why they are used in a scientific context. I'm

Good. It's nice to know that society shouldn't be concerned with defending male victims of crimes that usually happen to females. I used to be under the impression that everybody, regardless of their gender, should be protected. It makes it so much easier to know that I should divide the society up by demographics

Oh, and maybe you should consider responding to more than just the first three words of what I said. I made some other points that you have yet to address.

You know, these "real" MRAs are saying awfully stupid shit then. But, as an MRA who talks to other MRAs often, I can't help but notice that my experiences with the MRM has been drastically different. I'm always one to criticize feminism, but I do make distinctions between feminists who are honestly trying to figure

Which MRAs say that men have it worse? In my opinion, it's impossible to truly measure experiences to the point where we can objectively say that one demographic has it "worse" than another. So I am not one of those unidentified MRAs that you mentioned. Can you point them out to me so I could talk to them and explain

Pennies can't really derail trains. Playing cheap semantics isn't going to stop people from discussing issues.

I'm not talking about statistics. Do you think that maybe it's possible that some court cases have a bias against specific men that want custody, despite the fact that statistics say that this isn't the most likely case? If I get attacked by a tiger and statistics say that 99% of people don't get attacked by tigers,

Because men are a lot more likely to commit suicide. Women are more likely to attempt suicide, yes, but they do so with methods that don't guarantee death. When men want to kill themselves, they make sure they do it completely. Suicidal tendencies is an issue that must be dealt with regardless of sex, but there is a

Citations? Please?

Oh, I forgot. Those organizations, which have nice, specific names that you didn't mention, own male suicide. Thanks for reminding me.

Which "real" MRAs? All I see are the straw men you erected.

That's fine. Unlike feminism, you don't have to identify with the movement in order to fight for the issues that the movement focuses on. As an MRA, I'm fully aware I don't own male-focused issues. Men and the people that care about men do. Please don't try to tell me that I can't deal with those issues just because I

Here's a good guide so you can tell the difference: