Ethan Arlen Marcantel

"…and then you would have finally been confronted with an argument that is the intellectual equivalent of what you said above. "

And just what is so morally reprehensible about accepting the fact that human nature is flawed on a large scale and trying your "damnest not to be bad" in response to this fact?

"I didn't say anybody had to break in, I'm assuming they would knock."

Breaking into my house is "the only valid response"? Well, you're being consistent.

If you think that I actually wrote that to defend Betsy DeVos, you're haven't read the questions I asked. I've already said this.

If you think that I actually wrote that to defend Betsy DeVos, you're haven't read the questions I asked.

I'm going to keep it nuanced, as well as simple.

If this were a situation where MRA's have "besieged" a feminist activist for spreading misinformation (say, the misleading "1-in-4" college sexual assault statistic), ya'll would be calling them all sorts of names, pulling fire alarms, blocking off people from their right to free assembly by kicking out people from

"'Dangerous'? Stalin's been dead a long time."

You see how quickly we got from "PUNCH NAZIS!" to "PUNCH ANYONE WE LABEL AS NAZIS!"?

"oh do they believe in killing everyone who isn't them as well?"

"She ran off like a bitch instead on confronting the guy that assualted her, oh how pathetic."

When do we start punching communists?

Nice [logical fallacy you'll completely misunderstand] ya got there. Is it… a joke? Asking because my original comment is one and it needs a friend.

Just an fyi: pointing out how late this response is will be irrelevant.

Pointing out how late this response is will be irrelevant, fyi.

This article: "This mom is so heroic while ignoring her annoying son! lol"

"Though it’s certainly not historically uncommon for male writers to give voice to female characters and vice versa, the Cohen brothers have caught a little heat for Walker’s very existence, with sites like Jezebel-"

"Out of 47 Adult Swim series creators, none are female."

Ye, I took my time. Where did I say women were mean to me?