If you guys stop covering it, you'll help it go away.
If you guys stop covering it, you'll help it go away.
Isn't it usually easier to call the police instead? If there was something irreplaceable in there (family, friend, kid, pet) I'd understand but – coming from someone who does get attached to cars here – you can always replace a truck. Richard's family can't replace him.
There's a difference between optimized aerodynamics and bad taste.
And Minneapolis has had street view for how long? Like, two days?
I have better things to do with my right hand while I'm driving.
@FreeMan: Circuit City uses them for their tech support fleet, I believe.
@tehethan: What happened to images in comments?
Aston Martin V8/V12 Vantage.
Why not just make a 7-seater V70 XL and get rid of this pøseur? I can see the point of the V70 XC (I've seen my share of snowbanks that a normal one can't clear) but there is no point to this one. It's too tall. </rant>
"You know the shifter is only gonna be this big when we actually make this thing, right? ...Jeff?"
"Locatetor?" 8 is not the Fonz, and is not pronounced "ayyyy".
Wait a minute. Travis is back? I thought he was working for a newspaper or something now.
Make all traffic offenses non-punishable except if you cause an accident while violating one. In which case, jack up the fine. Way up.
I believe it's spelled "spirt". The wings, executed in a hyper-metallic silver, symbolize the spirt of flight and soaring above it all. (press release)
@TexanIdiot25: And that's close enough to a Trans Am to make a one-off with body work and After Effects.
But she'll never know that it's not a REAL sunroof on the trunk.
Looks like somebody spilled liquid Dave all over the front of a last-gen Tundra and put the result on the front of an F-150. I mean, two big bars with a little one in the middle? WTF?!
Damn this looks good.
@grzydj: E-Class right now, Jetta and Accord next year...
@grzydj: E-Class right now, Jetta and Accord next year...