
@grzydj: E-Class right now, Jetta and Accord next year...

Why has nobody mentioned that the taillights look like crap?

Hybrid Hemi... why don't they put that in a SRT-8? 700 ft-lbf sounds good to me.

I have had dreams where I was trying to drive a car, but I was either in the wrong seat or the brakes went from normal to useless over the course of about 5 minutes.

Why the hell does it still have a passenger seat? Couldn't they replace it with a minifridge, or a humidor or something?

I think there's something Quantum-looking on Los Altos Drive in Kensington, though I couldn't say for sure as I've been on that street once or twice in the past year and I live in Minnesota.

1. Remove rear doors, trunk, roof