
I have to agree with this. I usually only buy a handful of games for any of my Nintendo consoles, and buying a console just to play a few games is pretty wasteful. I'd love if I could get all the great Nintendo titles I love without dropping another $250-$300 on another console. I'm fine with Nintendo making

I think the goal with the Wii U is to have both a unique experience for one player while still incorporating that living-room-couch style of mutliplayer we saw a lot of on the Wii. Some of the tech demos Nintendo had at E3 showed this kind of gameplay, like Catch Mii, where one player has an overhead map of an area on

Most of Sager's models are pretty minimalist. The logos are stickered on so you can peel them off for a blank back.

@bra1nphuk: Ridiculously shiny screen cover is putting form before function, not to mention the glowy logo. That's antithetical to the way they designed the Cr-48.

@LeftClicker105: Oops. Forgot to put those in. They're in their normal places.

What is with the keyboard layout? This would work so much better.

They're not taking caps lock away you guys. They're just putting it into the shift key.

I'm surprised they're putting the search key there instead of between Ctrl and Alt. Or combining it with Alt for that matter.

If it's boring, terrorists won't pay attention to it. It's probably easier to blow up a chemical plant than it is to set your underpants on fire on an airplane, but be honest with yourself. What's going to scare people more?

@johanoh123: Military-grade toy helicopters with night vision are probably cheaper, easier to implement, and more accurate.

With that kind of top speed you'd probably need a motorcycle license to use it.

I think the big problem here is that the people doing this don't believe it's sick, and that the dogs are either going to be rewarded in death for their act and/or are soulless and will go to hell anyway.

So what's the point of even using the fighter-jet form factor if you don't need it to be able to hold a person?

Didn't it say you're supposed to cheer them on to make them do better?

@infmom: Haven't there been all sorts of news reports about how any crazy with a car full of homemade bombs can set off all sorts of nasty chain reactions at a chemical plant without barely even having to try?

This is ridiculous. I know you can't put a price on life, but we only have so much money so we might as well spend it on things that cost less and save more lives.