
Next Door has been really useful for me... in seeing how many of my neighbors racially profile teenagers of color. Probably once a month someone sends a “warning” message saying that some “suspicious” kids are riding their bikes around the neighborhood “casing the joint,” accompanied by a photo that the neighbor took

Range anxiety! I’m a Model S 90D owner and that was one of my major worries for owning the car. I live in the Boston area and frequently travel to NY and other areas around New England.

The Brits have this right. When Muslim nutjobs ran a van into people, they called it terrorism. Then when a right-wing white fuckwit ran a van into people, they also called it terrorism. Officially. Perhaps US officials could note their lead?

“when she saw the sign, she attempted to locate a store manager, but was unable to find one.”

because Page Six clicked publish, and then i clicked publish

My son Nicolas is leaving home, and I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve spent more than 19 years with this kid,

Statistically speaking:

They willingly accepted bigotry, hatred and incompetence and fought for it as if it was noble. They refuse to consider anyone but themselves as human and yet come begging on their knees in the aftermath of their inhumanity’s ruin.

You’re right, the only useful evidence is a signed confession.

By the end, yeah. But they were second in the league in average attendance in 2006, only trailing the Galaxy. They weren’t too far off the league average until 2011 or so.

It has been widely reported that the distribution of free tickets has declined to a huge degree over the course of MLS’s history. I’m not going to look that up for you.

Great job Deadspin, you found a dime store economist to shit on MLS using questionable facts. I’m sure he has read all the Freakonomics books and Gladwell too. He must be an expert! Looking forward to next week when you bring in a psychic to predict MLS’s future.

Someone should tell them Lady Liberty is French.

“allegedly growing in popularity”

“I colored the sun blue because it IS blue. All the people drawing it as yellow are wrong- if it was yellow, why is the sky blue? Wouldn’t it be yellow? FAKE NEWS.”

You don’t? “Now watch this drive”. Don’t you remember GW said that? Right after being busted (but not impeached) after having lied the country into launching a land war in the middle east? Because I remember. I even remember that Richard Nixon deliberately sabotaged the Paris Paeace Talks in 1968.

Ashley makes it look so easy. Then again, when it comes to always finding a Trump tweet that 100% contradicts a present-day Trump tweet, maybe it really is easy.

Omg, I told y’all! Mooch is just like Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas. You think you’re gonna become a made man and then...

Pride before the fall.