
Two-star rating. Tops.

A billionaires cost cutting was a race to the bottom. Who knew... 

Move that man to another job in the department, that’ll show him.

There’s a Willy Wanka joke in there somewhere..

Didn’t want to start the slideshow - you’re a saint.

Democracy Cat purrs in the darkness

I’m somewhat torn between this and Obama showboating that cup of coffee in front of the military.

A. Beat him to a pulp.
B. See A.

How about:
Model Wy?
Kid From Out Of Place.

Nothing butt the truth.

He was a stand up guy.

Time flies when you’re having none..

Submerged canned food are corporations too...

These men fought nazis too:

Peace, Love & Hunters standing.

How does car insurance work in your part of the world?

Well, or right said, Fred.

Because, then the innocents until proven guilty would be getting away - and where’s the justice in that?

Where I live a gallon of 95 octane is 6.6$

So they had 45 minutes to remove the gun? But chose not to?