I said basically the same thing as you, but I’m in the grays so I’ll reiterate it here - he might commit suicide because of this.
I said basically the same thing as you, but I’m in the grays so I’ll reiterate it here - he might commit suicide because of this.
I saw a commenter on another site responding to a troll, pointing out that advocating to allow people to not sign up for healthcare is freeloading, pure and simple. See, those people will wait till they’re desperately sick, or in an accident and need health care. Then they show up at the ER and can’t pay the bill.…
Cars are an option, a privilege even. Not even close. Even the divide between real, mandated single payer and this, mandated fine, for not buying from a private insurer is as wide as that comparison.
Exactly the same. But Republicans are too stubborn to admit that.
I love the car insurance argument for health insurance and gun control.
I guess Fox & Friends thinks it’s a system held up by magic or something, but it works just the way that goon described health insurance, because that’s literally just how all kinds of insurance generally work.
Car insurance are more for the other cars than your own. If you wreck abrand new Lambo or a post light or a house with your car (either you suck at driving or something terrible happened), it can be pretty expensive to pay.
Everyone who owns a car for use on public roads in the US is legally required to have at least liability insurance at some level. In my state, it is a very low minimum level of $25k per person for bodily injury, $50k per accident for bodily injury, and $15k per accident for property damage. These limits are very low…
Funny you should mention that, considering it’s illegal to drive without car insurance.
Republican politics. Solve for “X”
Hey, if somebody decides to buy a car with pre-existing conditions and can’t get it insured, that’s THEIR problem.
I’m a good driver! I’ve only been in one car wreck and have only been sued one time. Why should I have to keep my insurance, that was years ago and I haven’t had any wrecks since then, but I see people with crashed cars all the time! My premiums are paying for those!
Personally? My guess is that McCain figured that, if he objected earlier in the process, it wouldn’t change anything. The GOP would just circle the wagons and try again in a week.
That seems likely. I’m certainly not going to embrace him after this. But in a narrow sense, I can appreciate this. Maybe his diagnosis really did spur something in him. My grandfather died from the same cancer though, so perhaps I’m grasping at straws.
1. You don’t know me...well, duh.
-Crude I know, but I’m in therapy and feeling really good about myself.
Real question- how can you like Rocky better than Apollo? I’ve recently seen all the classic Rocky movies, and firmly believe that Creed is a much more interesting character.
Rock- a dumb guy, down on his luck who works hard in order to ascend past his station despite being manipulated by the people around him. A true…
It’s nice to know that protecting the “purity” of white vaginas is just as important now as it was in 1955.
That old white guy holding the ‘If the KKK is here who’s running the White House?’ sign made my day.