
I understand that this was a financial issue. Did higher level employees such as yourself consider taking salary cuts?— Diana Joubert

Can someone in Hollywood please find Milla Jovovich’s star and pay nothing but respect for MY resident (evil)? Thanks.

Wait, what? You don’t think someone devoted to a group that waged war on America is a “patriot”?

Ah. I see good ole Pennsyltucky is representing again.

After all the in-tournament cheating scandals, I just can’t enjoy watching competitive CS:GO anymore. Rather than being impressed, I find myself thinking, “didn’t he track just a little too directly towards the second guy’s head?” etc. It gets exhausting, because you can’t help but analyze every minute detail.

You’re assuming this is a bug in their plan, whereas it’s actually the key feature…

Now playing

Reminiscent of his recent goal against BVB

I first heard of this truly good man’s death from other combat vets in a group we all attend, and I fucking cried. This man died as a result of doing something that was truly right. I cried for him because as far as I am concerned, we lost a soldier in combat when he left us. He was the BEST we can offer this

Look, the obvious solution is to put Ohioans and Appalachian-Americans to work manufacturing Narcan. It can’t be any harder than cooking meth, and it beats the hell out of coal mining.

just when you thought it was ok to trust grown men who believe in magic

Libraries?! What are you, some kind of communist?

wow what a profoundly irresponsible essay. think harder about the implications and meaning of enthusiastic consent.

Lee is a part of the 13-member working group, but he said he hasn’t seen the draft bill. “I just haven’t been able to see it yet and as far as I know the overwhelming majority of my colleagues haven’t been able to see it either.”

The summary of the article is that hell hath no fury like that of a mildly inconvenienced white businessman on an airplane.

The video is a mere two minutes, not two hours...

I do not understand the “I can’t get aroused without the porn” thing so many people claim. Or the “I need harder and harder stuff to get aroused” thing, either.

Where. Am. I. Celebrating. This. ?????????

I’m not cheering it. Where am I cheering it? I’m simply stating that it’s hard for me to feel sympathy. Goddamn, can you fucking read?