Eternal Cthulhu

@theimmc: The workplace pressure must be killing them.

It's a pressure chamber filled with water, not a pressurized water blaster.

They had touchscreens in the 80s?

@Almightywhacko: Yeah, I think their preferences are, in order of

@merlinpr: They are separate companies at this point, though your

@moetop: Or you could go to the theaters during its theatrical

@Brian. You only have to go through it once more since this is the 2nd poster.

Drats, I was looking forward to a version of Farmville I could play outside in the fresh air.

Needs lasers.

@Wendy_Kroy: You might also be a douche bag.

All of them.

So is this the pig version of chicken nuggets?

Oh no! Corporations don't pay taxes but yet wield enormous influence over politics, news at 11.

I understand the content providers wanting to determine how to distribute their content, but what this model really threatens is the other established distribution channels. What's to stop the cable companies that provide broadband from blocking Apple & Google TV?

@ddhboy: Except what are you going to watch if you bankrupt the content providers? Cats playing the piano?

@xaronax: What's traditional big media? Newspapers?

@johncon3: You're making too much sense. Are you sure you're on the right site?

@jepzilla: True, most of the costs are being borne by the manufacturers and app developers, but I bet there's lots of Microsoft cash circulating out there.