Eternal Cthulhu

All that matters is the price point. I think Microsoft will be willing to take a loss to get market share, as they did when they launched the Xbox 360.

An iPhone 4 embargo will bring them to their knees.

@ian.nai: You're right, everyone would have thought he was pandering to the pro-Carthage crowd.

Just do me this favor: Go out there and knock it out of the galaxy one last time.

He completed the hero's journey and was transformed into a better person; he had gone from a smarmy, young jerk to a smarmy, old jerk.

And all it took was a two month wait.

This will do wonders for my ear hemorrhoids.

Man is his twitter account gonna explode. Shit just got real, Pope.

Whiskey, vodka, gin,tequila, rum, and to a lesser extent, beer, will fix all these problems.

Just avoid dropping it in that way.

@theaceplaya: He's in France; he doesn't have to.

@Patrick Sanford: The Gawk sites are serious business? No. They're like a glory hole's view into the internet.

@darthvolta: That just makes it worse. Rape barracks.

It's the end result that matters, not the processes to get there. Unless the process is the point of your art, in which case it's likely bullshit anyway.

@lazerpenguin: Try this site. It's for amateur astronomers: