Eternal Cthulhu

@Liam: I liked it better when they just tracked blacks and Jews, err, Communists.

He may have me beat on the space stuff, but I only occasionally shit in my pants.

Giz is always overlooking us non-disabled folks. These would also be great for us too lazy to use our own muscles.

@GitEm$teveDave: You're not wearing your brown wristband, brah?

@DingoJunior: The question you should be asking is: why doesn't everyone?

Free your mind, dudes. High Fructose Corn Syrup is, like, enslaving your children.

Fool me six times, shame on you. Fool me twelve times, shame on me.

That's some awesomely apropos elevator music.

As a Californian, I'll drink to this!

Aside from being a complete fucking creep of a clown, the only threats he's making are of the legal recourse kind.

Yay, graphene body armor. Boo, graphene bullets.

I thought this was the future of TV.

10 inches has to be the total. 10 inches per hour is an ungodly amount of water.