Eternal Cthulhu

Studies like these give statistics a bad name.

Infinite Crises never end well.

Please, that's the Oprah house. His real house is full of stripper poles and cocaine dunes.

@somethinghead: Or for old Batman to continue fighting crime.

@Celtic1888: Sports shouldn't count. I think there's a jock/nerd dichotomy in the terminology. Fanboy pursuits are things that, historically, jocks weren't interested in. Simplistic, I know, but it covers comics, movies, and tech.

Add a pedal-powered charger and I'm sold.

@theimmc: Fie! There can only be one!

I'm gonna need bigger pockets.

@Arken: This is disturbing. Where was the rest of her?

The US will be okay; we grow more food than we can eat (which we can sell at extortionist prices), we manufacture foodstuffs that lasts for years (so we can feed our citizen-military), and we have enough coal in the short term to make our giant, steamed-powered arachnids to herd the rest of the world into pens for

@Xagest: That would be lying.

For all intents and purposes, the internet is a public place. Is there really that much of an expectation of privacy? It's not like they're revealing my passwords and the fact that I have hidden porn files on my work computer. Oh, wait, they just did. Dammit.

I'm okay with this. Let the "corn sugar is bad for you" campaigns begin.

What's that officer? You want me to disperse? Fuck you, I'm wearing my bark spider cashmere tracksuit over my aluminum foil long underwear.

@Bisnicks: He also posted a picture of his house (or at least his neighbor's house) to give them a head start.

@blyan-reloaded: Coming soon to the PNW: fresh caught, genetically-modified, wild salmon.

This bridges the two great loves of Star Trek fans: gadgets and eating alone.

Nice try PC Tools, masturbation doesn't count.

I like that it includes the turned-around porn tape. Very nice.