Eternal Cthulhu

@thinkthis: Chuck Norris doesn't need deodorant; his sweat kills bacteria instantly.

@nicholas1987ucsb: Was there an additional notation, such as expired meter? If not, that's not a violation of the parking code:

@nicholas1987ucsb: I'm curious, what was the official violation listed on the citation?

@SinDonor2: He's asking all beat cops to pitch in and raise the TrafficStat numbers. I'm sure people who live in crime-blighted neighborhoods could think of better uses for their time.

@SinDonor2: You don't have to doubt it if you read the article:

@Shamoononon: This map gives you a better sense of how this fire was able to spread through the neighborhood so quickly:

@SinDonor2:It wasn't just traffic cops, it was all "day tour" cops, that's the reason for the outrage.

@snoop_dizzle:No, they quickly dumped the body into a lake and pretended it never happened. But I know what you did this summer, Microsoft.

@tomsomething: Or bullets. Cheap, plentiful and also able to alter the brain's anatomy.

I'm guessing this is just a more efficient way of enforcing existing city laws. If not, here come the lawsuits.

@Michai: Guns with tractor-beam laser sights. Game over.

@The Squid: This is not a random sample and thus not really representative of these groups at all.

@The Squid: Except that this is a self-selected sample group and the data is rubbish.

@Jestermeister: It's even less broad than that. It's stuff single, online-dating-type white/black/hispanic people on one particular website like.

@stchoo: Or that they saw that movie with Jimmy Fallon & whatshername.

Meh. The saucer's doing all the work.

But then you've created a greater problem: a bird feeder that spins dizzy, rabid squirrels at you.