Eternal Cthulhu

So I shouldn't put my router in the microwave? I'm confused.

I can't wait for the insurgent version of this prank with the fake decapitation video.

@Celtic1888: They want your water. Try some diatomaceous earth around the outside of your house or at the entry point into your house.

Disoriental carpets, free booze, hookers...ah, I can't think straight. Here's my money.

@JackMBUR: No, but did you also think it made sense that Japan would have created the first cum blasting camera? Or was that just me?

@Adam Spano: But if it takes three different agencies in three different states to work on each case then it will take years to convict.

@ps61318: Yeah, it's called an Apple TV for $99.

@wætherman: Yeah, that pushes this into the realm of fantasy, not science fiction.

@RT100: It depends on who wins the annual iron-cage death match. I've got my money on the 9th circuit (they are some vicious bitches), but you can't ever turn your back on those DC guys either. If only there was a better way to settle this.

His mistake was telling her the truth. Never tell the truth.

@burbere002: Though on second review, perhaps even third or fourth (there were a lot of crotch shots to slow-forward through), I did notice that our crime fighter sounds to be from the mid-west, so we're both right.

@burbere002: Superhero bike-dude dropped some F-bombs.

Blockbuster ain't going away, most of their employees on the other hand...

@Stem_Sell: Admit it, you'd trade your privacy for the ability to create anything from scratch with the tech in that book.

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: re: window. In some states, lewd act laws apply to indecent acts committed inside of your home if you can be seen from a public vantage point.

My cure for tech addiction: manners.

@Preacher iTofu a.k.a. Scammer Money: Why worry about it? If the big one hits, chances are you're going to die. Keep some emergency supplies on hand in case you survive, but other than that, what's to think about?