Eternal Cthulhu

@EvanSei: Yep, they mention in other articles how they'll have to put them all down.

@madisomi: man of ren: All that could have been prevented if she hadn't been driving on the wrong side of the road.

If you have to text something so urgently while driving that you're willing to risk your life and the lives of others, why can't you just make a voice call (hands-free or otherwise)?

@cyrusx7: It was the conspiracy theory of F=ma.

I usually slow it down all the way to a full stop and it makes Bieber sound like totally awesome.

@icrona: " "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

Just give it to this guy, since BP isn't going to compensate their own employee for this invention.

@tomsomething: I was thinking this made the most sense, too.

@Slinkytech: Good question. Pretty sure it would violate copyright law to share those books still under copyright. Hell, I doubt even making a personal copy is legal. Would be interested in finding out the answer.

@bjaxon: You know, finding out the contents of this box may be the only legitimate excuse for unleashing b-tards into the wilds of real life.

I think it's full of magic.

I'd like to see the iPad commercial where people are reading erotic novels. I think it would change everything, again.

This won't work against tigers because tigers love pepper.

I wish real life were in 3D. :(

@CaptainJack: Just do the arm wave and pass it on to the person next to you.

@Mondoz: Yeah, let's eliminate the middle human and have the machines vote for us. Like a random politician generator. I can see this working.

You think your geek bile is rising now, just wait until people start showing up to the film wearing distracting glowing shit all over.

@scottb58: I think God's facebook status re: all of the above would be: it's complicated.